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104  2019-09-19 by TrolleyDilemma


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can advertisment be based?

based targeted advertising


I think i might do a little "research" for a project when I'm done work.


I just googled “ugly girl porn” and those people really look totally normal to me

Well, no surprise there.

Snappy quote pls

I’m a dude, and just by being a dude I got gross horrible porn ads directed at me all the time. (I changed my profiles on Google and FB to “woman” just so I would stop seeing this horrible shit.) The other posters are correct: the “ugly” girls in those types of ads are always very attractive. The point is not to depict an woman for dudes with some sort of “ugly” fetish. The point is to make women feel shitty about their physical appearance and make gullible incel dudes feel awesome so they spend money. It is disgusting.

Since when do porn sites make money by harassing ugly women?

Just googled ugly girl porn. And the women are actually ugly. lmao

Ugly in porn is completely meaningless. It's hard to say without having seen it (link?) But most likely the girl isn't actually ugly. Just like the "nerd" porn where they take super model type looking girls and give them glasses. They're hot girls still obviously. It means nothing. When they say ugly they most likely mean average. Nobody would masturbate to actually ugly girls. Yes sure, some people probably have that fetish. But it wouldn't be feasible for them to advertise for such a tiny niche.