I take so much pride in how woke my local community college that I swim at is. So heartwarming

11  2019-09-20 by Goes_Down_on_Women


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πŸ€“πŸ€“ heres an argument 4 u bud: both sides r massive faggots πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜‚[1][2]


  1. True (2016)

  2. Fact (1981)

lmao @ u πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in


  1. I take so much pride in how woke my... - archive.org, archive.today

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That's what you get for going to community college.

Any college*

Who said I was a student bruh?

You can’t just take a picture and not go to the body positivity seminar

I might I usually swim in the morning so I could stick around. You just know the free meal is going to be trash food like brownies cake pizza and soft drinks when they should be serving these poor body positive creatures olives celery and lettuce.

Of course it's a lunch otherwise the fatties would be too lazy to show up

One can only hope for the good ol bait and switch.

Actually y’all sorry.. due to financial reasons we just have water. The athletic department donated some workout equipment and the p90x guy volunteered to come to do CrossFit with y’all

Why wouldn't the P90X guy just do P90X with them? πŸ€”

Rlly makes u think

How much water gets displaced out of this pool everyday?

That's a lot of numbers to compute there brutha

Dude, that's free food. You have to go.

signs of suicide