Another game developer gets #metoo’ed

15  2019-09-24 by HardIsLife


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This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. Another game developer gets #metoo’... -,

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Caring about games is beta, caring about the personal drama of the people who make them is peak beta 😴

The most awful thing that has stuck with me for all these years? I remember wishing it had lasted longer so that I could have pushed him off of me. If only he hadn’t been so sexually incompetent this could have ended with me bravely shouting “NO!” and making him stop. Instead I just lied there, trapped in my own body.

Tbh that's a pretty sick burn on an (accused) rapist.

From this writeup courtesy of Reeeeeeesetera.

"My memories of events differ significantly from Aliah's account, but fundamentally I feel that doesn't matter. I believe the underlying truth -- the recognition of the culture of privilege and patriarchy that men participate in and benefit from. Since reading Aliah's statement I have been grappling with my complicity in that toxic culture. I regret that my ignorance and inaction contributed to her suffering.

"While I have learned many lessons over the past decade, I am very aware that I still have work to do. I am learning now about the concept of transformative justice, and have begun working with trained mediators to understand how to build more equitable and safer communities. It is my hope that, given time, I can help transform the games industry and the world at large for the better."

this quote comes from the husband's... coworker apparently

Why do you need eye witnesses when you can just believe women, misogynist?


Is she funny or something?

game professor

Deserved it tbh

Gaming and Academia name a more obnoxious combo