Toxic Masculinity Is Also a Problem on the Left πŸ‘πŸ»

15  2019-09-24 by HardIsLife


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  1. Toxic Masculinity Is Also a Problem... -,

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Woke liberal feminists are the worst. They put up a nice mask and pretend to be a force for good while pushing their selfish, harmful and chauvinist viewpoints all along. Dishonest ethos and gooey creepy pathos make for all-around disgusting people.

I could respect an honest chauvinist. I know where they stand, even if they are at opposition to everything radical feminist. Honesty can make debates quite fruitful even between sharply opposed viewpoints.

That was almost a rap πŸ€”

I could respect an honest chauvinist.

The 19th Amendment and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Would the 19th Amendment exist without the Industrial Revolution? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

In leftist spaces, there's also a huge issue with placing too much emphasis on class as opposed to understanding different intersections.

Does it make me a rightoid if I think class consciousness is more important?

Does it make me a radical centrist if I equally give no shits about the class a person thinks they reside within, or the stupid maze of 'intersections' people of a certain type like to create in order to fully categorize and place within a hierarchy their endless victimhood?

I think that just makes you an old school rightoid.

Communism is far right unless it’s intersectional blacks get even more free shit communism

WTF is this even supposed to be about? It goes from Bernie Bros in 2016 to aznidentity to TERFs. What is the common thread here? Everyone on the internet who this bitch doesn't like?

What is the common thread here?

Female brain gone insane

How tf is aznidenity left wing anyway? Cuz they're not white?