TERFs mad at opioid death gap. Not enough women dying for them?

40  2019-09-26 by funnystor


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Men work more dangerous and physically strenuous jobs. Wouldn't it make sense they have more injuries that would require opioids than women on average? But nooo. Muh oppression points!!! Doctors are sexast!

They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. TERFs mad at opioid death gap. Not ... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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You definitely do not want to get addicted to opioids as a female since you will most likely have to source from brutal males

The worst part of heroin addiction? You gotta buy your drugs from m*ids

Having to deal with moids is always the worst part of any situation. That's why I never leave my house.

thank god my female herion dealer was genuinely a good person

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What the fuck is going on any more.

"Healthcare for women is atrocious. I've given birth three times, and it's always been a shit show. I was told if I had a clot bigger than a certain size I should go to the ER. I had a blood clot the size of a damn baby's head fall out of me, followed by a gush of blood, feeling dizzy, and nausea. So I figured I should go in because, idk, THEY TOLD ME TO. So they put me in a room the size of a closet and had me sit for hours before seeing me, only to treat me like shit and say it was nothing, without even checking me. That was one of hundreds of cases.

My sister was repeatedly humiliated for being overly dramatic about her 'cramps'. When it turned out she had ovarian cysts that could have exploded and killed her. She ended up needing surgery. The surgeon repeatedly shamed her for being sexually active and made misogynistic remarks, while she was sitting on the surgery table waiting to be put under.

Once I went in to get an inhaler because i was having a massive asthma attack from my animal allergies, only to have the doctor treat me like shit and say, "you use it just like your bong at home" in a condescending tone. I dont smoke pot and hate the feeling of it so I was flabbergasted.

I could go on and on and on. Whereas my husband has never been treated this way. Hes been shocked again and again seeing the way I am dismissed and treated like shit by drs."

Y'all never told me GenderCritical was a creative writing sub.

It's a creative writing sub not by design, but because the population is composed entirely of the borderline personality, psycho fatties that compulsively lie their way through life.