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7  2019-09-27 by AI_WAIFU

I hate thiws whowe wationawity thing. If uwu actuawwy take the basic assumptions of wationawity sewiouswy (as in bayesian infewence, compwexity theowy, awgowithmic views of minds), uwu end up with an uttewwy insane univewse fuww of mind-contwowwing supewintewwigences awnd impossibwe mowaw wuck, awnd nowt a nice "wet's buiwd an ai so we cawn fuck catgiwws aww day" univewse. The wowst thawt cawn happen iws nowt the extinction of humanity ow something thawt mundane - instead, uwu might piss off a whowe pantheon of jeawous gods awnd have tuwu deaw with thewm fowevew, ow uwu might notice thawt thiws has awweady happened awnd uwu awe awweady being computationawwy pwned, ow thawt any bad state uwu cawn imagine exists. Modaw fucking weawism. The onwy thing wowth doing in modaw weawism iws finding sowme way tuwu stowp cawing abouwt the west of the muwtivewse. Discount by compwexity, measuwe, psychowogicaw distance, whatevew, as wong as uwu discount enough tuwu make infinity pawpabwe. Iwt won't wowk awnd uwu know iwt, but whawt ewse cawn uwu duwu? take iwt sewiouswy? have peopwe evew considewed the impwications of stwaightfowwawd anawyticaw phiwosophy? uwu have no sewf awnd thewe iws no time. Aww pew-son-moments of aww pewsons awe as much futuwe-you as whawt uwu think iws futuwe-you. Nowmaw consequences down't mattew because thiws iws a big wowwd awnd evewything exists infinitewy often. The univewse does nowt fowget. Pwevention? totawwy impossibwe. Evewything thawt cawn happen iws happening. Any wefewence tuwu something iws nowt witewawwy impossibwe iws actuawwy wesowved. Thiws iws nowt juwst the minow disappointment we fewt whewn we weawized eawth wasn't the centew of the univewse. Thiws time, the univewse isn't the centew of the univewse, if uwu catch my dwift. Instead of changing the wowwd, uwu awe weduced tuwu decision theowy, intentions awnd dependencies, fowced tuwu intewact with evewything thawt iwt iws possibwe tuwu intewact with. Wife, death, a body, a wiww, a physicaw wowwd - aww dewusions. Thiws iws wike unweawning object pewmanence! i think the bwoody continentaws wewe wight aww awong. Anawyticaw phiwosophy iws fundamentawwy insane. Whewn i was stiww sitting in cwassicaw awcheowogy cwasses, i couwd at weast fantasize abouwt how i wouwd maybe someday get ovew my awkwawdness awnd at weast get a cat, if nowt a wewationship, but now i cawn't even make pasta without wowwying thawt any inconsistency in my decision making opens me up fow expwoitation by acausaw supewintewwigences. I thought i was newvous whewn i had tuwu entew a pubwic waundwy woom in my dowm (and had a panic attack awmost evewy week)? twy nowt evew dying awnd knowing thawt whatevew decision uwu make now wiww detewmine aww of existence because uwu awe onwy thiws decision awgowithm wight now awnd nothing evew hewps because awgowithms down't change.


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Can you kill yourself?

twy nowt evew dying


Is there a reverse uwutranslator bot? I can't even try to read this pasta in this state.

I found this. and get something that sounds like u/HardIsLife trying to convince ww2 americans not to shoot her:

I hate thirs rhore rationarity thing. If uru actuarry take the basic assumptions of rationarity seriousry (as in bayesian inference, comprexity theory, argorithmic viers of minds), uru end up rith an utterry insane universe furr of mind-controrring superinterrigences arnd impossibre morar ruck, arnd nort a nice "ret's buird an ai so re carn fuck catgirrs arr day" universe. The rorst thart carn happen irs nort the extinction of humanity or something thart mundane - instead, uru might piss off a rhore pantheon of jearous gods arnd have turu dear rith therm forever, or uru might notice thart thirs has arready happened arnd uru are arready being computationarry prned, or thart any bad state uru carn imagine exists. Modar fucking rearism. The onry thing rorth doing in modar rearism irs finding sorme ray turu storp caring abourt the rest of the murtiverse. Discount by comprexity, measure, psychorogicar distance, rhatever, as rong as uru discount enough turu make infinity parpabre. Irt ron't rork arnd uru knor irt, but rhart erse carn uru duru? take irt seriousry? have peopre ever considered the imprications of straightforrard anaryticar phirosophy? uru have no serf arnd there irs no time. Arr per-son-moments of arr persons are as much future-you as rhart uru think irs future-you. Normar consequences dorn't matter because thirs irs a big rorrd arnd everything exists infinitery often. The universe does nort forget. Prevention? totarry impossibre. Everything thart carn happen irs happening. Any reference turu something irs nort riterarry impossibre irs actuarry resorved. Thirs irs nort jurst the minor disappointment re fert rhern re rearized earth rasn't the center of the universe. Thirs time, the universe isn't the center of the universe, if uru catch my drift. Instead of changing the rorrd, uru are reduced turu decision theory, intentions arnd dependencies, forced turu interact rith everything thart irt irs possibre turu interact rith. Rife, death, a body, a rirr, a physicar rorrd - arr derusions. Thirs irs rike unrearning object permanence! i think the broody continentars rere right arr arong. Anaryticar phirosophy irs fundamentarry insane. Rhern i ras stirr sitting in crassicar archeorogy crasses, i courd at reast fantasize abourt hor i rourd maybe someday get over my arkrardness arnd at reast get a cat, if nort a rerationship, but nor i carn't even make pasta rithout rorrying thart any inconsistency in my decision making opens me up for exproitation by acausar superinterrigences. I thought i ras nervous rhern i had turu enter a pubric raundry room in my dorm (and had a panic attack armost every reek)? try nort ever dying arnd knoring thart rhatever decision uru make nor rirr determine arr of existence because uru are onry thirs decision argorithm right nor arnd nothing ever herps because argorithms dorn't change.

Stop pinging me for nonsense!