First day on the job, and I've already been fired as Brigadier General

77  2019-09-28 by AHSBrigadeirGeneral


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  1. First day on the job, and I've alre... -,

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Bardfinn being a dumb little bitch? Just another day for the twatwaffle

Is he known for anything like this?

literally this dude's entire life is pretending to be some kind of e-cop

go stalk his profile the faggotry levels are absurd

lmfao at this autist bardfinn. What the fuck???

This is like when I legally changed my name to Frost E. Mornin for my weatherman job and they fired me after my first day 😭.

How was I supposed to know goat entrails were an outdated method.

"Refered to reddit admins" lmao okay

I wish there was a r/InFavorOfHateSubreddits

lel "Do not evade this ban"

Evading bans is the whole point of making accounts on reddit.

Lmao this idiot actually trusted you as a brigadier general