This post was removed from /r/Politicalhumor for "not containing any humorous content". What do you guys think?

28  2019-09-28 by JanjaRobert


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By that logic, using her to give a speech on behalf of the next generation, and the environment is exploiting autism.


I mean, you’re not wrong, but who are we of all people to criticize that?

the ones who aren't pretending it's altruism


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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reddit must be dying. seething. cope. etc

seething and cope are just the newest iteration of u mad...

I agree with the mods.


R/politicalhumor had a few good months before it turned into another shitty "fuckthealtright"sub with zero substance. The transition is living proof that, despite what some may say, the left really can't meme (handle a joke at their expense). That being said, I'm gay now.