I can imagine all sorts of cool outfits that show off my ball cleveage, for the office, for the pool, weddings and any sort of occasion.
Wearing ball cleavage shorts will allow us men to use our assets to flirt with women who are in power in hopes of gaining some unfair advantage over those who are less endowed.
There would be "wonder shorts" which push the balls up front and accentuate the cleavage. Like diamonds on a pedestal.
There would be a little hole in the shorts to let the ball cleavage poke through
1 AutoModerator 2019-09-29
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2 braveathee 2019-09-29
The subreddit for actual lesbians is https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/lesbianactually
1 zergling_Lester 2019-09-29
17.73 bipolar
17.73 ftm
1 ImHereForTheBussy 2019-09-29
13.45 suicidewatch
10.68 bpd
1 ajiibrubf 2019-09-29
12.52 aspergers
1 dramasexual 2019-09-29
No, the subreddit for actual lesbians is /r/truelesbians. LA is also tranny central.
2 braveathee 2019-09-29
You are wrong.
2 dramasexual 2019-09-29
I'm not tho
1 Soviet_Samuelson 2019-09-29
Hes not tho
2 TheSomaCruz 2019-09-29
Isn't that subreddit mostly guys?
1 SnapshillBot 2019-09-29
Ball cleveage shorts should be a thing.
I feel like society is ready.
I can imagine all sorts of cool outfits that show off my ball cleveage, for the office, for the pool, weddings and any sort of occasion.
Wearing ball cleavage shorts will allow us men to use our assets to flirt with women who are in power in hopes of gaining some unfair advantage over those who are less endowed.
There would be "wonder shorts" which push the balls up front and accentuate the cleavage. Like diamonds on a pedestal.
There would be a little hole in the shorts to let the ball cleavage poke through
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
3 Gribbgogg 2019-09-29
Based and lesbianpilled
1 rDramaWorstsubreddit 2019-09-29
BRB, checking amazon now.