Toxic masculinity prevents men 🙄 from understanding why the gamer girls complained about free beer at Twitchcon

24  2019-09-29 by HardIsLife


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womp womp


  1. Toxic masculinity prevents men 🙄 fr... -,

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that is actually a retarded way of serving alcohol tho

Free Beer? Don't mind of I do.

Famous last words.

Imagine going to twitch con when you could be instead playing VR Rosh at midas mode 🙄

It really is pretty fucking appalling that they managed to have one of the few actual legit cases of a roofie happen on their watch. Gamer incels rose up to the challenge that a thousand frat parties couldn't match.

I don't get how it was supposed to work. Someone puts their hard-earned drugs into a random drink only to watch a random neckbeard gulp it down? And it was a single drink, and it somehow got lucky to be scooped by a girl instead? I'm skeptical, daug.

(chapter 1) someone was walking around with narcotics in their hands and they slipped on a banana peel... (chapter 2) the little pouch of drugs somersaulted in to the punch bowl... gamer girl chugged it and died (the end)

is the convention for people to meet internet idols, or for the idols to meet eachother as equals

I love how Keemstar admits he’s wrong and those pussyhats are mad that his admission of guilt was too casual.

I’ve always wondered where roofies come from, it’s not like you can just go to your recreational drug dealer and be like “5 roofies please sir” and anyone who sells you roofies could blackmail you as well.

And if they’re not coming from dealers people must be making them but where are people getting the recipe? It’s not like you can google ‘how to make an effective roofie’ and find anything worthwhile.

Asking for a friend (who rapes)

Benzos, zolpidem and GHB are probably the most often used drugs for this purpose. There's still lots of doctors who hand the first two out like candy, even though they're terribly addictive. GHB is also a party drug so I assume you can just get from a drug dealer.