Account suspended for making fun of bardfinn it’s over fellas

18  2019-10-01 by Yikes_sweety


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Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.


  1. Account suspended for making fun of... -,

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Same happened to me. u/bardfinn can you explain why you reported us?

-Melvin Toby Jr.

Lol admins must have much free time if they have time for that

1 ping and ur account is gone now and you get this new harassment message without the appeal link like before lmao. I mean um, I love puppers and doggos hahaha

damn they got you really fast. i'm thinking about filtering out mentions of this sensitive retard because they report everything no matter how benign.

I mean any sperg you ping could theoretically get you suspended if they’re mad enough to report. also why can I comment on r/drama still my accounts 3 months

you should be able to comment then idk

I can't comment either...WTF?

/u/Yikes_sweety we're approvedcels only iirc.

We're approvedcels only rn. Might be that if your acct isn't approved. CC /u/AwanBros.

We're approvedcels only rn. Might be that if your acct isn't approved. CC /u/AwanBros.


You asked why you couldn't comment.

Am I approved now?

As of now, yes.

My friend got banned for just replying to bardfinn. He's so fucking gay

It's cause Bardfinn reports every single person that pings him on this sub to the admins. Pinged him once and got a 5 day ban for it; he didn't even comment ffs, what a lousy lolcow

User Reports

1: It's targeted harassment at me


This should be posted on twitter.

Why don't the admins just remove the ping feature altogether....

i just sent one of those doggo pupper heck posters a PM telling them i hope they would be raped and only got a 3 day ban, but that was just before the new rules i think. this is disappointing

I made fun of a pervert sub power kid and got a 3 day for "harassment". This shithole is swirling the bowl. I'd be shocked if Reddit hasn't fallen out of the Alexa top 100 by the 2020 election. After Trump 2.0 this worthless site will have no value.

I hate to even say it, but bardfinn is going to have a field day with the new rule changes

Bardfinn is a massive tool and the administration are his cucks.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

As administrator LandofCucks lays out, Reddit previously defined harassment as “systematic and/or continued” behavior that made people fear for their “real life” safety.

Now, Reddit proscribes “anything that works to shut someone out of the conversation through intimidation or abuse, online or off.” That includes “menacing someone, directing abuse at a person or group, following them around the site, encouraging others to do any of these actions, or otherwise behaving in a way that would discourage a reasonable person from participating on Reddit.”

But really what he meant was the rules are made up and don't matter, fuck you we'll do what we like.

this happened to me as well and I didn’t even make fun of that bitch.

just said “based” as a clear joke and got perma banned, then said “libtard cuck lmao” which got me suspended from mod talks and then I dared to speak “which mod decided to censor me for my obvious joke” (it was for harassment lmao) and then my account gets suspended for 3 entire days.