History Lesson: the original Emo music genres

9  2019-10-01 by HardIsLife

Fado (from Portuguese meaning Fate) is a depressing as shit music accompanied by mournful vocals and lyrics that originated in the new 1800s. As you can very well imagine how much life must have sucked pretty hard back in the days with no toilet paper, sanitary napkins, oppression by men and no rights whatsoever, all these female singers sound like they were about to give up on life and I really relate.

My favorite Fado pieces

O Meu Filho (Oh My Son)

Meu Tormento (My Torment)

Rebetika (from Greek and Turkish meaning Wanderer, Misguided, Blind) sounds a bit more upbeat than Fado but the lyrics are just as somber as it originated from lower class marginalized groups being oppressed in America 🙄

My favorite Rebetika pieces

I Can’t Cry Anymore: Δεν ημπορω να κλαιγω πια

Mother, Please Don’t Send me to America: Μη με στέλνεις μάνα στην Αμερική


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  1. History Lesson: the original Emo mu... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  2. O Meu Filho (Oh My Son) - archive.org, archive.today

  3. Meu Tormento (My Torment) - archive.org, archive.today

  4. I Can’t Cry Anymore: Δεν ημπορω να ... - archive.org, archive.today

  5. Mother, Please Don’t Send me to Ame... - archive.org, archive.today

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lower class marginalized groups being oppressed in America 🙄

Maybe if dagos were skilled at anything other than adultery and knife-fighting they would have had an easier time. 🙄

This reminds me of the enka genre that was popular in Japan around the mid-20th century. I'm not a weeb so enjoy this Korean song that's supposed to be enka-ish or something.

I listen to Enka too. I love this song I just like that mournful vocals in general.

I forgot that you lived through all these eras 🤭 and how it’s not history for you 🤭

That song is 👌👌👌.