Problematic right winged hapa "journalist" Tim Pool vs the twitter feminists

24  2019-10-02 by HardIsLife

his take on the article about how men aren’t making enough money for women

Which resulted in one feminist to bravely stand up on twitter and point out his misogyny. She locked her account and no one archived it. Amateur hour but here's a screenshot

And the thread discussing about it from yet another problematic right winged hapa youtuber

Tim Pool then made another video to respond to this feminist and support his claims with credible sources like Jezebel and Family Guy

Now more feminists including the male ones are getting woke to his toxic masculinity

Tim Pool saying that feminists bully stay at home mothers and citing his source as an old family guy episode is genuinely the best referenced version of this claim ive heard

I watched that entire creepy Tim Pool incel video, and just... what possesses someone to get on camera and rant like that for 20 minutes?

My theory is that Tim Pool fell in love with that trad white nationalist american girl, got rejected because he wouldn’t take off his beanie and then descended into full cum brain when she got married to that Austrian Nazi

In retrospect, I’m surprised it took Tim Pool this long to go full Incel.

If anyone from r/Drama copied this post, I swear I would use witchcraft I learned from r/WitchesVsPatriarchy and curse r/Drama to get it banned like that incel sub


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Gonzo journalist. He/him. Disabled. Queer. Antifascist. 'A Disgrace To Polyamory.'


He must have some shit-tier disability if he's not advertising which one he has on his twitter profile.

I like what this guy's saying. He seems pretty great at getting everyone riled up. I'm also thinking about posting it to drama. What type of curse would I be looking at?

If there's anything we've learned from the braincel ban, it's that Chad always wins in the end. Virgin r/deuxrama curses won't work on the Chad dramanaut.


The only correct answer is “maybe you need to work on your personality more”