Feminist gets red pilled. Coping ensues.

67  2019-10-02 by MastrTMF


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wow this faggot did something funny for once 👌👌😄


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u/SmashTheKyriarchy do you seethe whenever someone brings up Suffragettes aligning with white supremacist groups or the head of metoo raping an underage boy?

u/SmashTheKyriarchy do you seethe whenever someone brings up Suffragettes aligning with white supremacist groups

Nope. I welcome criticism of feminist activism. Without criticism, how would we improve?

Here is another question for you: Was Ida B Wells a suffragette?

White suffragettes aligned with white supremacist groups. Black suffragettes didn’t. You just erased their contributions. Ida B Wells’ research into lynchings was invaluable in it’s time and is the backbone of any historical research into lynchings.

If OP had asked “are women ever racist or violent?” I would have said yes (duh). But OP asked if feminist activism was embraced by society. The answer to that question is no (duh).

wrong hot take. society is ok with feminism. otherwise they would've been treated like extremists. this is why you see celebrities and whatnot publicly stating that they are feminists. that's the norm.

wrong hot take.

“Feminist activism is not embraced by society” is not a hot take. It’s lukewarm at best.

society is ok with feminism. otherwise they would've been treated like extremists

You’ve made up a framework for this discussion out of thin air. Why should anyone buy into this framework?

Also, feminist activists have always been accused of extremism. Even now me too is accused of “going too far” and survivors are being driven from their homes by death threats.

this is why you see celebrities and whatnot publicly stating that they are feminists. that's the norm.

Lots of celebrities endorsed the Civil Rights Movement, Act Up, and Black Lives Matter. Do you think those movements were “embraced”?

Even now me too is accused of “going too far”

Metoo is God's judgement brought to bear on Harvey Weinstein, Ed Buck and all the coastal Zionists, degenerates and sodomites. Insh'allah.

Very refined take.

Even now me too is accused of “going too far” and survivors are being driven from their homes by death threats.

Yeah dude, why the fuck would someone accuse a movement that by default has been created to destroy people's lives with no due process or, you know, actual proof, of going too far?

You seem really worried about accountability for rapist. Not so much about the life destroying affects of the violence they commit.

Me too is working to strengthen due process by for instance encouraging police to actually investigate crimes and process evidence. I guess you think it should be harder to expelled for raping a peer than for copying their answers on an exam?

Dear xir or ma'am,

You don't seem to understand how due process works, by assuming that someone who has been accused by your retarded movement that he's a rapist by default you already expose your complete lack of understanding or respect for it. Furthermore, the law won't and shouldn't change because the part that you nutjobs don't like, the innocent until proven guilty part is a fundamental part of every single democratic judicial system and for good reasons. Also police can't investigate crimes that aren't reported to it, and in the vast majority of these cases they weren't.

Yours lustfully,


by assuming that someone who has been accused by your retarded movement is a rapist by default you already expose your complete lack of understanding or respect for it.

I never assumed that.

Furthermore, the law won't and shouldn't change because the part that you nutjobs don't like,

Please show me one example of me too survivors trying to change criminal law. I would love to see where that is happening other than your imagination.

the innocent until proven guilty part is a fundamental part of every single democratic judicial system and for good reasons.

I agree which is why I would like police to investigate reported sexual assaults rather than assuming that accusers are guilty of lying.

Also police can't investigate crimes that aren't reported to it, and in the vast majority of these cases they weren't.

Right. It was an example. As in one of many ways that feminists are working to strengthen due process.

However there is a pattern of police refusing to investigate reported assaults. In fact, Criminal Scientists estimate that 20% of police departments are burying reports of sexual violence based on inconsistencies in the data they report to the FBI.

I never assumed that.

You seem really worried about accountability for rapist.

thinking_face emoji

Alec didn’t deny the accusations. His family doesn’t deny them. Are you denying them?

I’m not assuming all accused men are guilty, but when it comes to Alec, I have an educated guess.

Show me I’m wrong. Show me a proposal for protecting men from me too that isn’t “survivors shut up and hide”. Because that is the culture of impunity which has enabled an epidemic of sexual violence. It’s why nearly 1 in 6 women will be assaulted in her life time. Many of those women will have their lives destroyed. Many will kill themselves. How can we begin to fix it if we tell survivors to shut up and hide their experiences?

A dead man didn't deny the accusations and neither did his family that was there when he was raping. You heard it folx!

Btw that cunt didn't accuse him of rape, that's the funniest part, you cancel culture mongloloids don't even know the basic stuff when you join the witchhunt.

He responded to the accusations before he died. But please continue being as ignorant as you are hateful. Please continue to offer no real solutions. Please continue to demand that survivors simply shut up.

As long as it’s cunts killing themselves, i guess it doesn’t matter.

We have solutions let the economy fail stop working. Let a civil war ensue for the 250 trillion in debt we cant pay let a military dictatorship take over the usa and ensure women will never vote on anything ever again throughout the entire world. We will burn every feminist book and zero women will ever call themselves a feminist again in. Because letting women and children vote is causing the entire world to be in debt to the banks and risking the advancement of humanity. Hows that for a plan?

250 trillion in debt we cant pay

the entire world to be in debt to the banks

I'm sorry ma'am, but I'll have to interrupt your ranting. Nobody is "in debt to the banks" because banks don't own the money they lend. Do you also like to complain about fractional reserve? Now try to connect the two ideas, "debt to the banks" and "banks run a fractional reserve".

When i say the banks i mean the federal reserve which is a privately held bank run by the big 6 banks. They are the reason we have uncalcualtable amounts of debt. They have a central bank a fed for each country. They have layers and layers of derivative bets on the existing debt. It is leveraged 10 to 1. We are actually deep into the quadrillions in real debt. We borrow against social security to fund our current debt. We have put many future generations lives in servitude to the debt we accumulate that we can never ever even begin to pay back. We are currently seeing this unfold before our eyes as we fight for scraps like slaves on a plantation our masters engineer a global depression that will ensure a two tiered society will rise from the ashes.

When i say the banks i mean the federal reserve which is a privately held bank run by the big 6 banks.

Dude, have you considered reading https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Reserve instead of making shit up based on Alex Jones rants and glue-induced hallucinations?

For starters, the Fed belongs to the government and gives all its profit to the government (except for the dividends on the mandatory-owned stock by the 12 member banks), "In 2015, the Federal Reserve Banks made a profit of $100.2 billion and distributed $2.5 billion in dividends to member banks as well as returning $97.7 billion to the U.S. Treasury."

Second, the Fed doesn't own the money it loans to the government, nor do the twelve member banks, nor do any commercial banks. In the end, most of the US national debt is owed to the people who have savings accounts. I can't even begin to imagine who do you think this debt is owed to instead, and how exactly.

It's fucking weird how the more a person cares about this topic, the less knowledgeable he is. Go read the fucking wikipedia page and don't come back until you're done.

It's fucking weird how the more a person cares about this topic, the less knowledgeable he is. Go read the fucking wikipedia page

I cant tell if your being serious like you think the one that knows the most about a topic is the same person who read a one page wikipedia page?

Yeah, I'm certainly more knowledgeable than a person who has not even bothered to read the Wikipedia page. Pfffft.

Your way out of your league if your quoting wikipedia pages

In the end, most of the US national debt is owed to the people who have savings accounts. I can't even begin to imagine who do you think this debt is owed to instead, and how exactly.

What is the us dollar? It says right on it read it dont come back till you read what the us dollar bill says on it.

What does the Fed do with its profits? Go read the wiki, moron.

The fed has no profits. They have a 4 trillion balance sheet. They tried to reduce it by 500 billion it took 2 years and they wiped it all out in the last 3 weeks when repo rates skyrocketed to 10%.


If all the bank loans were paid, no one could have a bank deposit, and there would not be a dollar of coin or currency in circulation. This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash, or credit. If the banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless situation is almost incredible — but there it is.3

if people in the private sector ever paid off all of their debts, and the federal government paid off all of its bondholders, then the supply of US dollars would be virtually extinguished.

This is the sense in which our fiat-money, fractional-reserve system uses "debt-based money."

The fed has no profits. They have a 4 trillion balance sheet. They tried to reduce it by 500 billion it took 2 years and they wiped it all out in the last 3 weeks when repo rates skyrocketed to 10%.

So first we were all in debt to the Fed, now the poor Fed makes no profits :(

You should read the Wikipedia page about the Fed, the way the national debt works, etc, and make a chart of who owes whom, only then you can see who the debt is to and who gets the interest and so on. By the way, there's no "the" debt, household debt and national debt go in the opposite directions, so boomers get the interest on millennials' mortgages, then it's millennials and zoomers and so on, and the system is stable.

Reading cray cray cranks waxing poetic about how all money is debt and is therefore bad in vague unspecified ways is not good for you.

So first we were all in debt to the Fed, now the poor Fed makes no profits

If you want to understand complex topics a wiki will not do it. You will have a false understanding of something. Try this. https://youtu.be/PHe0bXAIuk0

But essentially to answer your question the fed is monetizing debt. Here it is from their own website explaining it for you. https://www.stlouisfed.org/publications/central-banker/spring-2013/is-the-fed-monetizing-government-debt

Permanent – If this accumulated Treasury debt is supposed to be permanent, then it is reasonable to expect that the corresponding supply of new money would also be permanent and would remain in the economy as either cash in circulation or bank reserves, Andolfatto and Li write. As the interest earned on the securities is remitted to the Treasury, the federal government essentially can borrow and spend this new money for free. Thus, under this scenario, money creation becomes a permanent source of financing for government spending.

If the bonds they bought and money they printed(qe) ie their balance sheet permanent? We are 10 years of them starting to increase their balance sheet and they tried for 2 years to reduce and had to reinflate it again in 2 weeks. Remember in 2008 the economy came to a halt when the senate agreed to let them print 700 billion they are now at 4 trillion. And the debt is permanent. Remember they issue bonds to the us. If they also have a balance then they are monetizing the debt allowing the government to have wild expenditures the private sector could never pay in taxes. The fed makes it disappear but that is the same thing venezuela did or zimbabwe or argentina. And this is global every central bank does it simultaneously. Thats why the dollar is becoming more and more worthless. In 1980s you could fill an entire grocery cart for $20. Its why we have a giant bloated government and why we have vast income inequality.

If you want to understand complex topics a wiki will not do it. You will have a false understanding of something.

So first you said:

the entire world to be in debt to the banks

When i say the banks i mean the federal reserve which is a privately held bank run by the big 6 banks. They are the reason we have uncalcualtable amounts of debt.

When pointed out that the Fed is in fact owned by the government and gives almost all of its profits back to the Treasury, suddenly

The fed has no profits. They have a 4 trillion balance sheet. They tried to reduce it by 500 billion it took 2 years and they wiped it all out in the last 3 weeks when repo rates skyrocketed to 10%.

This is clearly a product of false understanding, caused by listening to conspiratarded youtube videos that do nothing but appeal to emotion: woo, debt bad, this is debt, woo, that is debt, very bad, woo. And then you find yourself making completely inconsistent statements, saying that we all owe money to the Fed, then that the Fed is in debt, and you can't even say anything for yourself, you send me to watch a conspiratarded youtube video.

Instead of listening to woo videos that rely on tricking you emotionally, you can go and read Wikipedia that plainly states how things work, without any judgement. It's not really all that complicated:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Treasury_security is how the US government raises money needed to cover the budget deficit. This is a debt owed by the government to whoever bought the bonds, ultimately mostly to the people with savings accounts. The interest on this debt is paid to the boomers and will be paid to you when you retire, if you stop entertaining retarded theories and get your life in order.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Reserve#Discount_rate and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Reserve#Repurchase_agreements is how the Fed squeezes money from commercial banks in need of liquidity by giving them short term loans.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monetization#Debt_monetization is used to directly increase money supply. In this case the Fed injects money into the economy by purchasing the Treasury bonds; when they expire it gives the interest on them back to the Treasury and uses the principal to rebuy them.

As you can see, there's no place there for hairy bloodsucking spiders that everyone is indebted to and has to pay interest to and so on.

If you're wondering if the capitalists buy most of the government's debt, then no, the interest rates on that are too low compared to stocks.

If you're wondering how all that debt doesn't cause an interest death spiral, the key element is that it goes both ways, to put it simply: young people get in debt to old people to buy stuff like education or things necessary to start their business, then they repay that debt and start lending money to further young people, until they retire and slowly collect the debt. Also, the money created via "monetizing debt" is free of debt, because it's owed by the government to itself.

If they also have a balance then they are monetizing the debt allowing the government to have wild expenditures the private sector could never pay in taxes. The fed makes it disappear but that is the same thing venezuela did or zimbabwe or argentina. And this is global every central bank does it simultaneously. Thats why the dollar is becoming more and more worthless. In 1980s you could fill an entire grocery cart for $20.

The government has a target of 2% yearly inflation, purposefully. The purpose of inflation is to encourage people to invest (even by putting money into savings accounts), because then that money is lent to people who buy pizza ovens roughly speaking, and then when you collect your interest and collateral, there are extra pizzas in the world for you to buy with your money.

This is opposed to putting your money under the pillow and then suddenly causing bad inflation when there's not enough pizzas to match the amount of money in the economy, or the government printing more money than is necessary to meet the inflation target.

Interestingly, the Fed routinely fails to meet the inflation target. From below, I mean. We don't have enough inflation. Big Yud had a funny post about it. This is the difference between the US and Venezuela etc.

Instead of listening to woo videos that rely on tricking you emotionally,

Ray dahlio is warren buffet basically. That video has 10 million views. I linked the feds own website.

Wikipedia is maintained by gender studies majors you cant source it in a college or highschool paper as a refference for a reason

Wikipedia presents facts.

You can't explain in your own words who the debt is owed to.

Listen, I tried to be nice and give you a nice explanation, if you're too retarded to even read it, go fuck yourself. You being retarded affects yours, not mine life negatively so I don't really care beyond making that gesture.

Why do leftists and neolibs constantly try amd get you to read wikipedia? Like why cant you just make your point why do you need group think to answer things for you? If you understand just say it dont tell people to read wikipedia. Debt is destroyed its owed to no one. When the fed monetizes debt. Thats is the definition of monetizing debt. The problem is you monetize debt it destroys the underlying currency the debt is paid in. The dollar.

Why do leftists and neolibs constantly try amd get you to read wikipedia?

If you haven't noticed, I gave a short explanation with the mandatory "who owes whom now" part for each point. Also ur mum is a leftist u dumb niggerfaggot.

Debt is destroyed its owed to no one. When the fed monetizes debt. Thats is the definition of monetizing debt. The problem is you monetize debt it destroys the underlying currency the debt is paid in. The dollar.

Oh, this is a new argument, but for the love of G-d I can't understand wtf do you mean with it. What exactly does happen, in terms of the amounts of money on people's accounts and the goods in the world? Or should that phrase be understood in some magical negro way, like by destroying debt with voodoo pins the Fed puts a curse on the dollar?

spezedit: technically the debt is not destroyed, it's still owed by the Treasury to the Fed, but it's autorenewed and all interest goes back to the Treasury, so.

we didn’t need 2 retards in the thread, thnx

Just an FYI we all here your a rapist and should be in jail. You think thats fair? Also all your accounts will be banned and you will have zero recourse to defend yourself and your family will all be harrassed and unemployable. Is that fair? Oh wait you dont get to answer your now a rapist and have no say aboit anything

Why should he need to deny anything? The supposed victims own words and actions at the time deny the accusations.

dear xir or ma’am


Me too is working to strengthen due process by for instance encouraging police to actually investigate crimes and process evidence.

what's your opinion on jussie smollett

Seems like a good example of due process?

>good example of due process

>everything involving the due process is sealed


Are you trying to make a point? Because I’m not following.

what point do you think i'm making?

Because I’m not following.

The point hes making is women like you are led by pathos they are incapable of understanding due process or anything that is fair. You think with your heart and your crystal. If you feel someone is guilty which is usually after youve read propaganda telling you what to feel. Then theyre gulity. Remember judge judy is NOT a feminist

The point hes making is women like you are led by pathos they are incapable of understanding due process or anything that is fair.

Ad hominem attacks don’t make you look like an expert on ethos or logos.

Ok so what if their was 2 white guys in jail for beating up smollette would that be fair? If its not fair why not? He made an accusation shouldnt black men be believed?

I just wish Chicago PD investigated reported sexual assaults with as much energy.

So are you saying famous women who claim sexual assault dont have enough police resources dedicated to them? Are you serious? You do realize that theirs more violence in a neighborhood in chicago or baltimore per capita then the height of the dark ages.

My whole point is that non-famous people (not just women) who report sexual violence are not getting justice in Chicago.

If you think Baltimore PD is doing top quality work, I have some bad news for you.

Are you saying that neighborhoods in chicago and baltimore that are 99% black and the most impoverished places in the country are violent wastelands full of liquor stores and drug dealing murderers is white cops fault? You know theirs places just as poor with all whites in virginia with little to no violence right? Is that because they have more or less white cops? Im not sure why you think the black people need white cops to save them from themselves. Sounds like maybe you should stay in your safe space with all the you go get em girl power responses. You bit off way more than you can chew here. Your way lost

Okay, you're really actually a fucking clown.

I was right about that earlier label.

MeToo is improving due process!

Chicago PD doesn't investigate sexual assaults enough and Jussie Smollet investigation is proof of that.

You know why people think 3rd wave feminists are headcases? People like you.

Are you sure you want to cape this hard for a police department that operated a black site to torture suspects.

See, this is where we get into the idiocy of some members of the far left. You think I'm defending the Chicago PD because I just pointed out how batshit your logic is? Sweety, Chicago PD's effectiveness has nothing to do with my call-out about you relating two ridiculous things that are in no way related: Jussie Smollet and investigations of sexual assault allegations.

And even if I was speaking on Chicago PD's effectiveness, you have just as much info as I do about their processes and, presumably, no evidence of them being lax about investigating sexual assault. You tossed out the black site line because you basically have no retort to me saying that's a fucking ridiculous connection and conclusion. It has NOTHING to do with what I said and you said it only because you think I'm sucking Chicago PD's dick, when in reality I'm just telling you how fucking insane you sound.

i understand that. but you can still share what you think; it's NaN so share please.

I’m talking about sexual assault investigations. You are bringing up a hate crime investigation involving a celebrity. Why?

both are examples of due process. as you said yourself #metoo is about due process.

Ok here is my opinion: I haven’t followed it closely and don’t know much about it, but celebrity shit like this usually isn’t representative and the Chicago Pd is generally a trash fire.

Good man and a patriot, that's what I say.

Lady dont make light of male suicide outside of your feminist safe space. Theirs over 50k men commiting suicide a year and another 15k from heroin. Its the number one leading cause of death for men under 40. Your a sick individual and have zero empathy

Where am I “making light” of male suicide?

Metoo has a boduy count.

A man once a month kills himself from meetoo accusations that destroy him and his entire families life.

Your answer

You seem really worried about accountability for rapist.

Feminists are like the commisars at the line to the gulag when they ask you if your sick its not to help you only to put you in a different line with less food.

I know right? Who cares about trivial shit like presumption of innocence or due process when you can lynch people virtually.

Just wanted to say that if you think me2 is about IMPROVING due process, you are a bit retarded.


believe women, ALL WOMEN. but, also, if you don't mind investigate too.

That doesn't fucking square, starchild. That's literally the opposite of innocent until proven guilty, aka, the reason due process EXISTS. Before you tell that that doesn't apply outside of the court of law, it absolutely should when there is next to no evidence, you fucking dolt.

You have really strong opinions on feminists, but don’t appear to be familiar with the actual theories or activism.

Believe women is not a slogan we apply to the law enforcement or the legal community. It’s what we say to the friends and family of survivors. I don’t think it’s a particularly good slogan, but you are clearly misinterpreting it.

The two issues are somewhat connected in so far as many police officer and departments have adopted the belief that most reported sexual assaults are lies.

They neglect to investigate a large fraction of reported sexual assaults, even when there is a great deal of evidence that a crime was committed.

The belief that most women are lying about being assaulted is called a “rape supportive belief” in the research. Not only do rape supportive beliefs help the community ignore sexual violence, they are also correlated with perpetration of sexual violence.

Edit-Also, it’s pretty damn cowardly to post this comment here. If you think your point t is so juicy, make it in the askfeminists sub. Or are you too protective of your karma?

Welcome! Pinging is ingrained in our sub's culture. Also we do it because we get instabanned the moment we set foot in other subreddits. You'll understand if you check my post history.

This is called an explanation not an excuse.

Why do feminists have much grosser smelling snatches? Is hygiene misogynistic?

this implies that you've ever been close enough to a woman to know what snatch smells like

Well, I fucked you last week and it smelled like a dead rat

drawn there by your trash dick no doubt

Dicks can be cleaned with a simple shower unlike the genetically inferior gussy

mmmyes the vagina which is self-cleaning unlike a dick which accumulates cheese

Self cleaning lmao

Why are bitches always getting vaginitis then? Nice self cleaning

When I wipe my ass

I wipe from front to back

Because I don't want a bladder infection


Vaginitis is an inflammation, not an infection.

Big ole chunks of cottage cheese make me think it’s an infection. The world would be better with only penises and buttholes

im down with buttholes tbh

I love how you communists all like pretend to discuss things and take feedback. It must be really weird dedicating your life to what is essentially a psyop

he says, dedicating his life to screaming at women online

No im not single i dont have to deal with feminists ever. Look at my account history im banned from every feminist sub instantly black listed. I dont waste my time on zealots and communists like feminists. How can you make sense to a person whos entire mind is full of a psyop thats intended to confuse you until your surrounded by cats. I dont scream ever im just a loud man because my balls are huge


hey what's wrong with cats

You are a social security number here to consume and pay the banks interest to accumulate debt to buy things and to die. Your controlled by 3 things. Ignorance - which silences your voice. Fanaticism - which attacks your conviction. And Tyranny - which ensures you die childless and a slave

Have all the cats you want buy all the amusement you want die alone and sad childless and never discovering your soul. Your another cog in the machine you identify as a feminist

sir this is an Arby's

Yeah if i were you i would go back to answering male feminists how to deal with their gf having 100s of male partners and how hes not being a good feminist by worrying about it.

I don't even participate in that sub dude don't be weird

Yeah thats good dont call yourself a feminist.

You just erased their contributions.

That's right. And you are next. Muahahahaha!

But OP asked if feminist activism was embraced by society. The answer to that question is no (duh).

All western mainstream media and public figures support feminism. Clearly, it isn't "embraced by society" at all (duh) 🙄🙄🙄

Feminism has been around for two hundred years. We aren’t discussing whether or not people generically support feminism. We are asking whether they support feminist activism as it is happening.

The answer to that question is obviously “no”.

When talking about feminist activism, do you mean rat looking gender studies majors smearing their menstrual blood on a wall?

Sure. Other people too.

Feminism and social justice is predated by distributionism.

But OP asked if feminist activism was embraced by society. The answer to that question is no (duh).

Ah yes, feminist activism is clearly shunned by society, which is why the Women's March in 2017 was the largest single-day protest in US history, why many major politicians have gone on record self-identifying as feminists and why communities and subreddits based around mens issues (r/misogyny, incels, theRedPill) are shunned/quarantined/banned and the female equivelents (r/misandry, trufemcels, redpillwomen) are not.

Clearly, society does not embrace feminism in the slightest /s.

subreddits based around mens issues (r/misogyny, theRedPill)


>not using css macros


Edit-Also, it’s pretty damn cowardly to post this comment here. If you think your point t is so juicy, make it in the askfeminists sub. Or are you too protective of your karma?

bait to claim brigading

Out of nearly 600,000 violent interracial crimes, over 90% were committed against whites by blacks and under 10% were committed against blacks by whites.

Since most of the mouthbreathers that self identify as feminists also subscribe to critical race theory how would those numbers look if we were living in a “black supremacy?”

Would a “white supremacist” nation really tolerate this kind of one-sided predation by people of darkness against people of light? 🤔

Our white supremacist nation created the conditions for that violence.

I would love for you to roll over that statement to me on an african invented dung beetle cause from a place that has 100% of women raped. Is south africa and zambia the fault of white men too? Do they teach black men to rape every women in their country?

Are you asking if the problems in South Africa are a result of white supremacy?! Yes! It’s called apartheid. White people kept black people in poverty and stoked tribal divisions which erupted in violence after apartheid fell.

Apartheid ended decades ago. For how many more decades will it be white peoples fault? If their hasnt been a white man step foot in south africa for 1000 years will it be white mans fault its the rape capital of the world? What about zambia is that white mans fault too? Is robert mugabe a white man?

If you think Zambias bad just wait till you see Zimbabwe. 😉

rip Rhodesia

Gone but not forgotten 😔

Whole decades have passed. Jeez. I didn’t realize that! Nvm. I’m persuaded.

Theirs never been white people in rwanda and they had the largest tribal war in african modern history? Is that white peoples fault too?

That’s a joke and none of that is true. Non whites literally steal children to gain access to white communities

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You added to your answer to elaborate that tribal warfare in africa was invented by white people? Thats your addition? Why not just delete your comment all together. I mean you really wanna debate how white supremacy ruined Africa?

White people didn’t invent tribal warfare but they did ignore tribal divisions when drawing maps in Africa. In South Africa specifically, white people used those tribal divisions to prevent uprisings. In other words, they spent a hundred years stoking the fires of tribal animosity.

i know ration and logic are another white mans tool to keep the blacks oppressed. But lets put that aside and use some. So if white men are the sole reason for tribal wars in africa all we need to do is look for places that never had white people and see if they also have tribal wars. So that means we cant count south africa or zimbabwe or congo. So lets look at rwanda. Which has never had white people and had the largest most brutal tribal war in recorded history. Can you tell me what white people had to do with that? Here you can read this article from the 80s but its obvious that the whites brought the modern world to africa with it a higher standard of living and industrialization and cities and modern infrastructure. This caused africans from all different tribes to live next to each other which caused conflicts that are even more rampant and violent now that the white people have left. Sounds like you want africans to abandon their tribal roots and join their nations drawn by their colonial masters. Sounds like your on the side of the whites.



robocop said we ended that

That pattern is consistent anywhere though... blacks always commit crime at higher levels anywhere in the world. Brazil, UK, France, Sweden, Germany, South Africa, Canada, etc.

Even after an estimated $5,000,000,000,000 transferred from whites to blacks in recent decades there are still so few examples of successful black communities anywhere in the world. If you’re telling me “white supremacy” is holding blacks back globally from forming safe and prosperous communities I’m saying maybe you’re right and whites are able to just completely dominate them in every way without even trying.

What you’re saying is preposterous and anti truth.

Maybe he's just aware that feminist moderators on a feminist subreddit have a 100% likelihood of banning anyone who wastes their time posting truthspeech.

So he is afraid of a ban? That’s pretty sad.

This is so sad, alexa play despacito

ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Luis Fonsi - Despacito ft. D ─────────⚪───── ◄◄⠀▶⠀►►⠀ 3:08 / 4:42 ⠀ ───○ 🔊 ᴴᴰ ⚙️

Do you have particular difficulty grasping the difference between fear and rational behavior, or are you just generally a moron?

You ban everyone that doesnt follow the good book

What would indicate that feminism is accepted in society that doesn't already happen? Or the contrary, what indicates the unnaceptance of feminism in society?

I welcome criticism of feminist activism. Without criticism, how would we improve?

My main criticism would be that many feminists reinforce patriarchal structures that benefit women. E.g. the assumption that men have agency and women don't.

Any time women do less well it's because society hates women, but any time men do less well it's assumed to be their fault for not pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.

Consider gendered products. More expensive item for women? It's the evil corporations charging women a pink tax because society hates women. More expensive item for men? Those stupid men must have fragile masculinity, need more bootstraps.

If you want to make a feminist mad all you have to do is flip the genders: say a more expensive item for men is actually a man tax, and that women choosing a more expensive item is evidence of fragile femininity. Show many feminists a gender flipped mirror and they see a misogynist. Which implies those feminists are misandrists.

My main criticism would be that many feminists reinforce patriarchal structures that benefit women

How do feminists, and not women in general, reinforce the patriarchal structures that benefit us. I hear this a lot, that feminism is really just about women getting one over on men, but I don’t see it.

More expensive item for men? Those stupid men must have fragile masculinity, need more bootstraps.

Is there a real example behind this or just something you made up?

More expensive item for women? It's the evil corporations charging women a pink tax because society hates women.

Actually, the reasoning here is that corporations correctly assume that women are willing to pay more for personal care products, because we experience so much pressure to look attractive and because the baseline for acceptable hygiene is so much higher for women than for men. Corporations exploit that to charge us more, and if we don’t name it, we will continue to be gauged.

Corporations may be evil, but not because of the pink tax.

I am not aware of any sector where men are gauged and women are not, but there are most certainly ways that corporations do men dirty. For instance how hygiene products are all covered in camo and shaped like grenades, because marketers are worried that straight men will think cleanliness is gay.

I would love to see men complain about that.

Is there a real example behind this or just something you made up?

Search tumblr/twitter for "fragile masculinity" and most of it is "marketers tried to upsell something to men".

I would love to see men complain about that.

Most men who don't like the grenade version just buy the cheaper gender neutral version instead of complaining about it.

But you're still assuming that if men don't want to smell like women it's because "they're afraid of seeming gay" but if women don't want to smell like men it's because "men have bad hygiene". It could just as easily be framed that straight women are afraid of seeming butch and lesbian.

Thats alot of white man logic for a feminist to understand

I mean bussy lmao.

But you're still assuming that if men don't want to smell like women it's because "they're afraid of seeming gay" but if women don't want to smell like men it's because "men have bad hygiene".

No. You said yourself that there are gender neutral products that don’t “smell like women”.

It could just as easily be framed that straight women are afraid of seeming butch and lesbian.

So? You keep thinking that if there is an equivalent issue for both men and women, it’s a gotcha, but both men and women are constrained by rigid and sometimes toxic gender norms. Both men and women need to break free of those rigid norms.

No one 100% satisfies the stereotypes for their gender. No one is 100% feminine in every way or masculine in every way. Some people are very aberrant.

The root of all toxic masculinity is a culture that punishes non-conformity even when conforming to gender norms is unhealthy for you or the people around you. For instance men who desperately need help but don’t want to ask because they will appear weak.

I think the takeaway here is women do exactly what they’re told to, and nothing more. Back then, the ‘in-group’ was white supremacy, now it’s climate change and migrants. And there’s women, just doing what they’re told like good little holes

Patriarchy is unironically advantageous to women

For instance: You’d think a woman dominant jury would be nice to a woman defendant but in practice they are strict. A male jury is much more likely to rule in a woman’s favor because lots of men see women as innocent children

Um, the football teams wearing pink was started by a football player who lost his mother and 4-5 of his aunts to breast cancer. The question becomes, why don't any football players take the initiative to have the teams wear blue because his father died from prostate cancer? So, then we see that the problem is that men don't care about men. Same with the male prison population. If a person cared enough to google, they'd see that there are people trying to reduce the prison population who aren't focused on women. https://www.sentencingproject.org/actions/

Oh, will you look at that, they need money. 🤔 Be part of what you want to see.

Yeah men caring more about women than about men is the "women are wonderful effect" and pretty much what the linked post is talking about.

But, the thing is, it is just the guy's imagination. I mean, isn't Movember for prostate cancer if you think football players wearing pink proves something? And, I gave a link to an organization trying to reduce the prison population that needs people to help. All the guys complaining about this stuff don't seem to be beguiled by the women are wonderful effect, that's for sure. So, do something. If you're angry enough to fume on ask feminists, you're mad enough to look for people helping men that could use some assistance from you. If a retard like me can find these organizations, anyone can, even a moid.

Yeah he should just donate to National Coalition for Men which has a long list of accomplishments: https://ncfm.org/ncfm-home/national-coalition-for-men-ncfm-samples-of-success/ which is a good way to make some feminists mad since NCFM is an "MRA" group.

Jesus, as long as it keeps him out of the hair of the women on ask feminists, who cares?

Not like they have much of a life, other than complaining about the “patriarchy”.

Yeah, they don't have important shit to do like the guys bitching about foids here.

Never said he was any better. They’re both wasting time blaming all their problems on the other.

Homeboy flew too close to the sun

Wtf based

I'm open to the idea of a men's rights movement that bases itself primarily on deconstructing harmful aspects of masculinity, and what it means to be men in the modern world; but that's not what I see in your communities - it's very hard to distinguish pro-male content from anti-female content in those communities.

Add to that the marked difference in quantity and quality of oppression towards men and women, and it's a little clearer. We have enough difficulty convincing people to take feminism seriously when women are much more clearly being fucked.
