jizzbros trying to estimate the going rate of a hooker

12  2019-10-05 by pussy_exterminator


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Lmao imagine paying for prostitutes that don’t have have a dick

I cant wait for these thirsty fucks to get devil dusted in colombia come back even more retarded

No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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These people are overpaying for spoiled meat, lmao.

Last I checked you can get some very fresh ones for less than 1000 baht.

By fresh he means kids.

I see you're an avid fan of the Japanese franchise Tantei Opera Milky Holmes.

The only “anime” I ever casually looked at was Hellsing Ultimate and even then that was the Abridged version on YouTube.

Lol, normie trash

You lack culture. It shows.

Being an American centric fag doesn't make you cultured. Watch some Marvel and Game of Thrones.

Being an American centric fag doesn't make you cultured.

Is that envy I smell or gatekeeping? I’m gonna day both.

Watch some Marvel and Game of Thrones.

Marvel is meh, more of a DC guy. Gotta love Lobo, Hellblazer and Zatana.

Game of Thrones, ah it started off strong but went full retard in the last season. Lots of unanswered questions, plot holes, useless plot armor, plot armor suddenly fading and The Night King does way too easily.

You're the male version of a basic bitch

Again with describing yourself to me.


You’re an Incel so no need to worry about you