Climate Change fuckwit activists block a major bridge in Edmonton.

5  2019-10-07 by GodOfDarknessWine


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  1. Climate Change fuckwit activists bl... -,

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Does no one understand how to drive really slowly to break up crowds? No one will actually let themselves get run over, just inch until they let you through

lol where's the fun in not getting hit?

Or speed up quickly, then keep driving.

Whoa there, next you are going to tell us to mount tiki torches on our vehicle

I wouldn't blame people for carrying a gun with them in this situation.

It really is a cucked country. The Police could have shot the protestors, cleaned off their carcasses and traffic could have resumed earlier.

Major problem is the courts are becoming SJW, with some wokescold politicians. If the police ignored them, and the military supported them, they might back off.

It would be a shame if some approved submitter were to post this to r/drama. 😎😎😎