Do people who post on AHS really think they are making a difference?

51  2019-10-07 by SmoothBeetle

Whenever they post links they see to think they are doing God’s work.


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They don’t care about making a difference, they just want people to know how woke they are.

Yes. They take these things personally.

The election of Dangerous Donald has awakened a new generation of slacktivists.

Glormph is a bad man, am I rite?

Stalin believed he was making a difference.

So did Mao.

But Hitler actually did, lets support him!

They did. China is strong thanks to Mao. Russia was strong thanks to Stalin, it is not due to Yeltsin and Gorbachev unfortunately.

The internet is so retarded, and not in a fun way like it used to be.

yes. they're on the same level as christian facebook boomers.

Of course they're delusional enough to believe that. If they weren't they wouldn't be there.

American horror story has sucked ass since the clown one.

never watched it before, started season 8 all excited because it was after a nuclear holocaust in a bunker, only for them to ruin it by changing the entire storyline into dollar store homosexual harry potter. fuck hollygay

The clown one is pretty good, asylum was decent but needed more aliens.

AHS jannies make up only 2% of the population, but have personally barfed over 50% of all reddit accounts.


They are right wingers

"Woke" is a new non-secular religion.

So yes. They are true believers.

Doesn't mean they're right.