Learn 👏 to 👏 code 👏

46  2019-10-09 by tejanx


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You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. Learn 👏 to 👏 code 👏 - archive.org, archive.today

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Software engineers are working to automate the coding itself

So, it’s still the humans who’s coding an AI that could continue to code itself. Do these dum dums think Alexa is gonna come up with coding by herself or something?

Coding is going to be the last thing to get automated. To automate everything else you'll need coding, therefore, as long as there's something left not automated, coding will be required.

Unless someone or some people came up with a new magical language that is very high level, it would not be happening anytime soon. Browsers cannot even run ES6 yet and this bitch is talking about AI that would be able to innovate things on its own.

If else statements aren’t machine learning 🤧🤭

It looks like a version of Safari and whatever browser runs on IOS 12.2 support full ES6. Browsers do support it.

Ummm sweaty, clients still force you to support IE. It’s just recently that I don’t have to fight for using FlexBox anymore.

Imagine using ie for doing something besides downloading a real web browser. Just design your site to only require lynx and you are all good.

You can use deep learning to copy paste code from GitHub.


Train it on stackoverflow answers as well and you've essentially automated away every entry level code monkey job

I didn't bother reading everything there, but autocomplete and an AI rendering programmingcels obsolete are a bit different from each other.

Yeah you clearly didn't. It's not just autocomplete - it inserts snippets that it's seen on Github in similar environments.

Considering all junior devs do is copy shit from stack overflow, this renders them obsolete.

They can’t just simply be copied and pasted though. What stackoveflow has is snippets of codes here and there.

How do you train the AI to come up with the overall logic first and crawl through stackoverflow to find pieces of code that it needs, modify it and integrate together?

This might be considered lazy way of coding on human standards but that’s still a lot of steps for an AI.

So that the AI could learn the transphobia that the disgraced stackoverflow mods have displayed 🙄

If someone does automate coding, the automated coding will automatically automate every single other thing, so it's pretty much a wash.

Yes that's what I mean.


You codecels will be the truckers of 2030.

Where the code lot lizards at? 🦎

The question is which profession would attract more scaly lizards. 🤔

Aren't the code lot lizards at massage parlors?

More likely it’s the girl “coders” that write css.

We’d be dead by then

I don't doubt it. Desk chair jobs are worse for life expectancy than smoking.

Seriously. If I'm alive at 2030, I want someone to snipe me with a .308.

Just do it yourself pussy

Snipe yourself from 750 metres away.

no u


True, but by then we'll all be unemployed so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Learn 2 fabricate.

They'll have that down a long time before automated code.

Nah, welders, machinists, builders, and mechanics will always have their place. Fabrication is about one-offs and custom work. Robots will be able to manufacture parts on a large scale but don't have the intelligence to undertake projects for the everyman.

Just stick a welding torch on a drone, there's your proof of concept. Now just make it not suck.

Nah, welders, machinists, builders, and mechanics will always have their place. Fabrication is about one-offs and custom work. Robots will be able to manufacture parts on a large scale but don't have the intelligence to undertake projects for the everyman.

Imagine believing this shitpile and, at the same time, thinking that code writing will be automated.

Robots will just code the AI to code the AI!

Learn to robot!

I can’t even 🤦🏻‍♀️


Not like you ever could though

Kamala od based.

1) Millenials pretty much know how to code


2) As AI spreads, coding jobs will be like service jobs

Okay zoomer.

3) AI/robots suck at: caregiving, art, creative problem-solving, communication - that's where the work will be. (As to where the money will be - that's up to policymakers.)

Art and communication are already getting automated. Creative problem-solving is part of programming.

Link to the tweet

Maybe these people think "coding" means making a web page with some colored rectangles with html? Extremely narrow-minded yet as smug as a SRDine, and the twitter thread is full of them. What a spectacle.

They think knowing how to hyperlink in HTML is coding 🤭

It’s just one big COPE for not knowing how to code.

A lot of women (I’m one myself 💅🏻) have told me that coding is super easy. They just don’t know it because they aren’t interested. A few points I want to list out are

  1. When I asked what programming language they were exposed to that made them think that way, their answer is almost always HTML.
  2. When I asked if programming was that easy, why they just didn’t pursue it since it paid well or at least why they didn’t do it as side income. Their answer is almost always, “I’m not interested in it, sweaty!” Yet they also claim to know how easy programming is but at the same time, never really explored it further than a few HTML elements.
  3. If programming was so easy, why all the male developers going bald or grey at 25?
  4. Even if it’s web page, a modern website requires a lot of logic behind to display things and on different browsers and devices. This is why backend developers don’t want to do frontend stuff. It’s tedious process. Like try developing an e-commerce website from scratch. The amount of business logic that has to go in is massive.
  5. those, who don’t know much, think they know a lot 🤧🤧🤭🤭

If programming was so easy, why all the male developers going bald or grey at 25?

I'm actually a bald 25 year old developer, too fucking real 😪

That’s why you do frontend, sweaty 💅🏻

That's why you ascend and do embedded development.

Not my cup of tea sadly.

Imagine being a software developer. What a terrible life.

We’re on the back up of the back up drama sub. Programming would be improvement to this travesty

AI is a huge bubble.

maybe 3% good stuff, and 97% cargo cult / charlatans who are just getting hired so the upper managment can impress investors with parlor tricks.

To 1): What you said already.

To 2): Coding always was a service job. What do they think a service job is?

To 3): These are actually things AI is great at. Recognizing patterns, randomly rearrange them and reevaluating actions based on received rewards. Nothing easier than an AI that produced a thousand modern art paintings in a second.

You could have just said "This tbqh fam". Also nice username.

Fuck, I am sorry for the long comment. Thanks for the compliment, though.

What does tim mean?

I am not going to explain unimportant and frankly embarrassing niche internet meme knowledge. Sometimes you can be proud that you don't know.

There's this whole trope that because Millennials use Instagram and Reddit all day, they're super tech savvy... Totally not the case.

They think using rich text editor is coding 🤧🤭

Sridhar Ramesh @RadishHarmers
· Jan 18
Going back in time to teach young Hitler to code. I believe strongly in the power of education. Perhaps if he'd spent a little less time with that paintbrush and a little more time acquiring the STEM skills employers crave
