You don’t have a better taste in music because you refuse to listen to pop and electronic music

3  2019-10-11 by HardIsLife

It just shows that you’re either

  • a teenager in an edgy phase
  • or a 30 plus something who never grew out of being an teenager in an edgy phase
  • or you’re just retarded

If you think rock or metal is the best genre of music ever made. You’re even more retarded.

If you think the Beatles or Pink Floyd are one of the best bands ever, it shows that you learned how to expand your music taste to mainstream music of today to mainstream music of the past that your parents already had in the attic and you ran into them. Congrats, dum dum.


If you hate pop music,

  • your exposure of it is limited to what’s on the radio
  • what dumb teenagers listen to
  • too wrapped up in your own Rush / King Crimson bubble that you didn’t know pop has so many subgenres that sound nothing like each other.

If you hate electronic music

  • you might be the dumbest idiot alive because it literally can sound like anything
  • you think famous EDM is what all electronic music sounds like
  • you think what you hear in clubs is all there is
  • you lack basic knowledge of music that you have no idea that electronic music was pioneered by classical musicians and most notable electronic musicians in history were all classical trained composers


So, why do you stay retarded? 🤔


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Pop elitism is even more pathetic than metal elitism lul

Tell 'em

Only classical music can actually be considered music. Don't get me wrong, I listen to pop and rock music too but more passively and it's certainly not something to be elitist about. They're all pretty bad except for classical music.

caring about anything related to this makes you a total sperg.

Skrillex and it’s fans are absolute shit. Fight me.