Militarycels SEETHING after blatant propaganda post on pics

65  2019-10-12 by Blue_AsLan


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R.I.P to that girl you called a slut in class today, she was a virginšŸ” . the pregnant girl walking down the street, she got raped . the boy you called lame he has to work to support his family . the girl you pushed down the other day, she's already being abused at home. the girl you called fat, she's starving herself . the boy you made fun of for crying, his mother is dyingšŸ‘¼ . think you know them? You have no idea... Guess what? 99% of y'all don't know what people going through


  1. Militarycels SEETHING after blatant... -,,

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She must suck at starving herself is she still fat

I love how left leaning Reddit thinks only alt right Russians use Reddit for propaganda.

Muh narrative!

I love how left leaning reddit is now all about some perpetual war in the Middle East.

Embracing neo-con philosophy to own the...cons?

We all know the pro-war policy comes from (((higher up))).

The racist sinophobia behind most of this bullshit is obvious to anyone with eyes.

Depends on the Ledditor, some get super-heated and scream about anyone using the 'Russia' accusations being democrats.

Reddit definitely doesn't want you to remember how stridently anti-US-troops-in-Syria it was when Obama was president and Bernie was running on anti-interventionism.

u/_okcody whatā€™s you thoughts on this dumbass


He's not wrong, until recently, reddit has been extremely anti-war.

However, reddit is pretty much just a democrat echo chamber, and 99% of political entries on this site are liberal propaganda pieces. Therefore, if Trump is anti-war, then reddit is pro-war. Take ANYTHING Trump does, reverse it, and that's reddit's position on the matter. If Trump pushed for military support of the Kurds, reddit would lose their minds and bitch about how we shouldn't act as world police.

The funny part is that Obama wasn't anti-war either, he heavily fucked with foreign affairs and military intervention. Democrat or Republican, they're both anti-war until elected. Both parties are beholden to the military industry.

Thank you for your response. Isnā€™t it possible that no matter what trump does heā€™s wrong and reddit is right?

-Melvin Toby Jr.

Why do you hate POGcels so much?

I actually don't, I only hate when they engage in posturing or fish for TYFYS.

How does that not apply to all members of the military tho?

Yeah we're anti war for disagreeing with Trump starting a war against the kurds

Don't blame the dude who decided to take his finger out of the hole in the dam.

PFC said him and his boys had Apache escorts. He was in Kuwait his entire tour, I guarantee it.

The dude unironically falling for the Navy SEAL copypasta is the icing on the cake.