Stop coming to drama subs it's fucking bad for you

37  2019-10-15 by PraisePerun

After the Bern-out I stopped completely going to drama related subs.

Now I bought a new car, I have an amazing new girlfriend, I make a shitload of money and I'm buying a house this spring. I party every weekend, I'm never home. I'm enjoying life. Do yourself a favor. Stop trying to make drama a career. It's cringe as f*ck


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It's either coming here for my daily dose of drama and cope or the rope in the back cabinet. I can't escape that shit

Unless it's this one

oh god I know, someone please help me

How big is her pp

My dramacoin says otherwise

Since quitting drama subs that aren't a ghost town like this, I have been far more positive and helpful and have a newfound joy in my life. Don't make the same mistake I did.

I’m paid thousands of sheckles per hour to browse here