For some fucking reason AHS hates that Rockchuck hates circumcision despite also hating circumcision

19  2019-10-15 by thedopestfish


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Anime isn't just a bunch of cheap American ripoffs of cartoons, it's art. Next time you American sheeple are watching your simpsons or south park or whatever mindless American cartoons that have plots, storylines and comedy, I'll be Admiring the wonderful and superior art of Chinese cartoons.


  1. For some fucking reason AHS hates t... -,

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He then copied it to such an extreme that they both have certain people with these bizarre Thanos like facial stripes

>links ST comic effectively conveying a balding neckbeard

>bizarre thanos like facial stripes

this is what capeshit does to your mind. imagine not only being unbearably smug but retarded too. the prototypical AHSpie

REEE. Imagine being this upset about someone making fun of tosser's artstyle. Stay mad honey.

This is your brain on capeshit

Awe. You kids learned a new word! Yay!

Hey man, I'm just here to remind you that you do it for free

That's original! My mind is blown you think that up all by yourself?!

I just can't believe I am in the presence of a professional redditor, someone who actually gets paid to do this! Incredible!

Imagine not only using reddit, but trying use it to make social change AND trying to ensure quality control FOR ZERO PAY!

Fortunately, no one is this pathetic. If they were, they would of committed suicide years ago!

Ok, actually wow. Most people don't get paid to use reddit. Look, I am sorry, I didn't realize this sub was literally for the remedial students.

bro why do you hate circumcision and hate that geology propel hates circumcision too.


Also I just made the only good post on your shitty subreddit, you're welcome.

... Hmmm... Ok... sorry. I get it now this is actually a support group for those who struggle with illiteracy.

Says the guy who doesn't even know he needs a comma, lel fucking retard.

> ... Hmmm... Ok... sorry. I get it now this is actually a support group for those who struggle with illiteracy.

> ... Hmmm... Ok... sorry. I get it now, this is actually a support group for those who struggle with illiteracy.

This is one of the way you spot people who are retards IRL but like to pretend to be misunderstood intellectuals on the internet. It's a modern alternative to internet tough guys and navy seals copypasta.

Stonetoss is a racist and you are fucking smug.

Deal with it.

No one's upset that you made fun of saladtosser's art style. We're mocking you because you can't help yourself relating everything to superhero movies made for children.

You can't get children's movies out of your mind and yet you're so smug about it. Amazing.

Hahaha. So you're that triggered over superhero movies - all of this is because someone made one reference about one character. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Why are you such a huge faggot?

The dude is either retarded or purposely misinterpreting rockthrows comics.

He states “And he hated that Bernie was more popular than him” and then links this

Imagine being upset that I use evidence to support my positions. Here is some more pictures for you.

Do you suck Birdfinns dick, or does he suck yours? Can never tell which of you guys is actually dominant


Stop trying to trick people into pinging Barfing-on-dicks. We know that he reports people over literally fuckall and the admins garble his balls.

A 40 year old troid who was cucked by two wives and emotionally abused by their mother.

>he's a janitor


>on the internet


>on an reddit police subbreddit


>he does it for free


>he takes “not being harassed" very seriously


>he reports trivial shit because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life


> the number of harassing users that have harassed him over the past month has numbered well over 100


> he’s probably one of Reddit's heaviest users of the Report system


> he has a process to check up on the accounts of users that have harassed me, which he’s filed reports on.


>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack


>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of Contra videos he still has to watch


> he somehow gets mods suspended over "who?" and "lol you can't be real" messages


> he made a short, simple, five-step process to get banned users to beg and grovel and “accept responsibility for their actions”


>he thinks he can deflect criticism of his obnoxious tone and smug condescending bullshit as merely sexism


>he will never have a real job


>he will never move out of his parent's house


>he will never be at a healthy weight


>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket


>he will never have a girlfriend


>he will never have any friends

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Do not contact me again LongPoesBot or I will report you for harassment!


Evidence of what? All that comic says is that there was a huge Reddit circlejerk about Bernie, that didn't pay attention to the fact that opinions in the general population might be different (especially about people's preferred candidate).

Was he wrong?

Lol what? Do you mean the opinions of people on reddit only represents the people of reddit!! Your genius is unparalleled! I am in the presence of intellectual royalty. How do you manage to come up with such insightful opinions?! Tell me, what is your secret?

Evidence of what?

Derp? Seriously? You're kidding right. Ok maybe you aren't actually playing with a full deck. What those comics showed is that Tosser is particularly sensitive about things he doesn't like being more popular than the things he likes on reddit. He is so sensitive about downvotes and not being upvoted, he has made multiple comics about it.

What those comics show is that Tosser is also particularly sensitive about things he doesn't like being more popular than the things he likes on reddit. He is so sensitive about downvotes and not being upvoted, he has made multiple comics about it.

Or he's mocking redditors, like you, who feel like writing dissertations about a 3 panel comic about upvotes. You spend a lot of your time dissecting those crappy comics as if you're going to find the meaning of life there.

OMG. This is the most adorable thing I've read in a long time. You actually think that crying about being downvoted, is somehow mocking "dissertations" and analytical thinking - but at the same time your point is that I was reading too deeply into something. OMG. That is so frickin' adorable. I feel like a parent hearing their an infants first words.

How long since you've interacted with another human being outside of Reddit?


Goo goo gaa gaa.

<3 Come on little guy. <3 That almost sounded like big people words.

You mod 22 subs, a handful of which strictly dedicated to dissecting or editing Stonetoss comics.

Almost there. Come on I believe you can speak big people words. Repeat after me, Da da. Da da.

Clearly a man of analytical thought, using evidence to support his positions. I can't imagine how euphoric you must feel in this moment.

No, no, no. It's Da da. Da da. Keep trying!

Now I really wonder what is going wrong in your life that you're now overcompensating for.

Baby is cranky because baby need diaper change?

Nope, diaper fetish is more something /r/AgainstHateSubreddits defends whenever people dare to be hateful about it.

Hey you wanna mod r/drama?

Please, do not listen to my fellow Deuxchads and keep writing the long essays about internet Nazis, your attempts at any communication outside of that make you look like you have undiagnosed aspergers.

Check your welfare.

Lol, you think I'm banned from drama. How much essay posting do you need to explain that you take life too seriously? Because that is the general message everyone gets from seeing the spergouts

I never even saw your reply, I would however like to remind you that you’re doing this for free. Keep up the good work I’m unironically a big fan of the 100s of hours you put into fighting terrorism on reddit

So you're getting paid to put in "100s of hours" to defend racism and bigotry on reddit? Well that does explain it.

Directly from Russia, what are you guna do about it?

Do people actually read all that shit?

I didn't.