New snappy quote?

5  2019-10-16 by LeEpicMemerDude69420

I can really see why r/drama didn't unban you. Your banter is stale, and you literally sound like an 8 year old who is trying to endear himself to teenagers by trying too hard to be edgy.



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jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. New snappy quote? -,

  2. r/drama -,

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New snappy quote:

Okay, wong stowy showt: I know how hawd-weft this sub is, and I'm pwetty much to the weft mysewf. I can't stand cwooked waw enfowcement. I fiewcewy suppowt Bwack Wives, and I think we need wefowm badwy.

But I happen to enjoy some movies/shows/games that have powice chawactews.

And I'm getting beyond fed up with seeing a cewtain movie (Zootopia) that impacted me so much get attacked fwom the weft in this mannew. Basicawwy, I don't agwee with how some in the hawd weft keep howding it up as "cop pwopaganda" ow "fascist", which it isn't, and peopwe accusing it of "getting waciaw awwegowies wwong" when in weawity, the movie is an awwegowy fow pwejudice as a whowe.

Wike, I don't find cwap wike this funny. I find it infuwiating. Because it's not twue.

Some hawd weftists accuse the fiwm of missing the mawk because the "pwedatows" evowved fwom eating pwey mammaws to eating fish and bugs. That's not meant to symbowize anything in weaw wife, it's just something that happened with those animaws in a kids' movie. It doesn't cwash with the movie's messaging at aww. It's not "powice apowogism" because the powice depawtment is depicted as inept in many ways, and the stowy contains a mowaw against unfaiw pwofiwing.

Now fow some weason, the "NP" wink option isn't wowking, but I discussed this befowe in BweadTube and Compwete Anawchy.

I'm asking you how you feew about this because I once encountewed a thwead in this sub mocking Judy Hopps, doing the whowe "ACAB" thing, and I was wegit upset by it.

If you think I'm some kind of idiot, weiwdo ow wosew fow getting so emotionaw about a movie aimed at kids that's pawt of a big cowpowation, that's youw wight. But peopwe have been shawing "Judy's a pig, smash the state" memes in the Zootopia sub. And as someone who can't watch cewtain scenes in the movie without cwying my eyes out, they weawwy bothewed me and I didn't think they wewe faiw at aww.

Especiawwy given how aggwessivewy cwiticaw the movie is of waw enfowcement, and bigotwy in genewaw.

/u/LightUmbra, please?

That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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