AHStard informs me ~you're an incel sweaty~ I COPE until I reach the acceptance stage

22  2019-10-19 by Sea_Safer


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Yes Minecraft is symbolic in many ways with The book of Revelation in the Bible and is preparing Us for the End-times war. Whether you want to believe it or not the facts are undeniable and the similarities are tantamount to the fact this game was divinely created through the hand spiritually. The Creator of this game goes by the name of Notch and in Jewish Gematria that equals = 201 and Roman in Jewish Gematria also equals = 201 same goes for with Apollo and what does that mean, you tell me.


  1. AHStard informs me ~you're an incel... - archive.org, archive.today

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/u/Bigmethod how much sexual intercourse would you say the average involuntarily celibate person engages in?

You don’t get it. Being an incel has nothing to do with being involuntarily celibate. An incel is a person who is nasty, racist, transphobic, homophobic, sexist and who project their insecurities on other people to feel a sense of superiority. I would have thought someone with a superior big white brain could figure that out.

I'm all out of milk it's greedy for you to try to squeeze more out of me SMH 😩

But I’m thirsty daddy.

Involuntary celibate

Do you have a room temperature IQ? I just told you it has nothing to do with celibacy.

Tell me, what does "incel" stand for?

Rub your two brain cells together and reread my original comment.

Male feminism isn't about being a male who supports feminism, it's about getting women to let their guard down so you can abuse them.

See, anyone can just make up definitions.

Male feminist is just another word for rapist, so you’re not wrong.

Well at least we found something we agree on. Actually two things, since we both think the other person is absolutely retarded. Look, even your user flair says it. "Flairless mong"

Only someone starved for attention would bother setting a user flair. You are the big gay.

If you are to be allowed within our borders, you need to respect our customs. Set longnose flair.

If it bothers you that much, you can set my flair to whatever you want.

Hahahaha “anyone posting on reddit as often as you is not getting laid”

Imagine putting the pussy on such a pedestal and calling other people incels

Didn’t you know your an incel until you start blasting trussy?