Meet Grady, a twenty-nine year old construction worker. After coming home from a hard day's work, He walks in the door of his trailer park home, To find his wife in bed with another man.

64  2019-10-19 by pok8


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This is why we need Islam.


  1. Meet Grady, a twenty-nine year old ... -,

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insanely powerful and based boomer


There's this movie Pressure about underwater welders getting stuck on the bottom of the ocean with no rescue after their mothership is annihilated in a storm. They have no life, never see their families, and it's shitty hard work with very long hours and they all work hard. If it was him, he'd take their last oxygen tank and smash it with a wrench and throw it back into the water because one of the other welders is Mexican and he doesn't want him getting to breathe any air he doesn't deserve. Despite the fact that they work the same job and put in the same effort, and he also needed that air. This is the midwestern dystopian squalor he so desperately wants and has finally gotten, fuck him and his misery.

This is obviously a novelty account lol

A fucking based one

He will do anything for a 12 pack of bud light and a tin of skoal.

wouldn't we all

+u/user_simulator u/HardWorkingAmerican1

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Just keep that caps lock on PERMANENTLY!