Proof that foids DO care about personality! Incels BTFO by FACTS and LOGIC!

43  2019-10-20 by thowaway_throwaway


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I’m deleting this app I genuinely can’t stand y’all. I’m not even gonna try to make a point this time I’m done.


  1. Proof that foids DO care about pers... -,

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It isn't over for me😎

Abusing your dakimakura doesn't count as a psychopathic personality trait.

But how can I use this knowledge to get to sleep with the Asian chick I'm into but who has a boyfriend?

Grow a pair and ask her out, and if she says "no" then stop being a clingy beta and move on.

I won't ask someone with a partner out. But if she wants she could give me some private tutoring on Mandarin at her place 😉

So stop being a clingy beta and move on. Half a billion more fish in the sea.

I can still stay friends with her though and if they have a fight or break up I can be there for her and console her and get to sleep with her when she's drunk

I just found out accidentally because the guy basically lives right next to me. Though she never called him her boyfriend to me. She mentioned him only once to me before but just as "some guy she happens to know".

I can still stay friends with her though and if they have a fight or break up I can be there for her and console her and get to sleep with her when she's drunk

In my experience, this only ever happens with women who have already rejected you (or exes). If you've been rejected, they know you were seriously interested. If not, why the hell should they put themselves out there when they're already feeling down - women are more afraid of rejection than most men, since they generally have less experience.

The other option is that she can give me some private tutoring on Mandarin at her place while they're still dating 😁

If not, why the hell should they put themselves out there when they're already feeling down

Well in this case I'd make an effort to be there for her and let her know she can do way better than her shitty ex

The other option is that she can give me some private tutoring on Mandarin at her place while they're still dating 😁

You act like you know a bit about economics.

You want to send cheap, ambiguous piss-weak signals, despite there being really no risk to yourself.

You want her to send a strong signal that she's OK with cheating on her boyfriend.

Why should that happen? Men always initiate, men are the ones who are expected to lead the dance. That's how it is. Maybe if you're really attractive a few women hit on you, but usually only in situations where it's unlikely to come back and cause issues if you reject them (e.g. at a club or something).

But I'm open to evidence on the contrary, is your current system working?

Yeah I'm not being that serious about her cheating on him. I'd initiate if she was single or if they had a bad fight or broke up but if I do so while they're still dating it just makes me a dick.

Maybe the guy gets jealous easily and then it could turn into a self fulfilling prophecy

I figured she probably didn't want me to know she had a boyfriend because she wanted to see if I was into her as well and thought her chances of me showing that this was the case were obviously higher if I didn't know about him (Which is of course right)

Either you're right, and she's waiting for you to show interest.

Or you've misread the signals. Women can have weird logic behind their signals, and never learn how dumb their signals are because they don't face the harsh feedback of getting hard-rejected, instead they can just tell themselves fantasy stories about "actually, he likes me and wants to meet up but other things are in the way and he is actually waiting for the perfect moment".

I'm pretty sure she likes me but having gone through the options I don't think initiating something while she's still dating the guy is the best option.

I looked at the risk reward situations and it just doesn't seem like a good option compared to the other ones.

Granted I can adjust things based on how things develop from here on and such. Also maybe he's the type to get jealous easily then it could turn into a self fulfilling prophecy.

I looked at the risk reward situations and it just doesn't seem like a good option compared to the other ones.


You Initiate You just wait it out
She's interested She says "yes"
She's ambivalent She says "no" then changes her mind
The situation changes She says "no" then changes her mind
She's not interested She says "no" and you spot someone hotter with a better personality

So my reasoning is:

If I initiate now there's two possibilities:

Either she's not into it and then it will be a bit awkward between us

Or she is into it

Then she either could cheat on the guy or she breaks up with him and gets with me. Both which would make me seem like a dick to others. And there's also the potential her boyfriend might stab me.

If I don't do anything now I can just stay friends with her for now but if they have a bad fight or break up I can be there for her and give it a shot. And in the meantime I can still see if I find someone else I like who treats her potential partner better than she does.

OK, so quit asking dumb questions if you've decided you don't want to be a dick and do anything.

You're not interested (the boyfriend is a deal-breaker, fair enough) so move on.

Fair enough. Yeah doing anything atm while she's still dating him doesn't seem worth it. However since I'm pretty sure she's into me too it's still an option to keep in mind in case they ever break up or have a bad fight

Later virgins 😎

All the edgy redditors now tell how they are actually kind of a psychopath themselves. Lmao, fapping to cartoon girls does not make you a psychopath.

Chad here. I faked an entire life. I went to school, graduated top of my class, got a good degree and go to a job 40 hours a week and make a lot of money. I go to the gym. I bully weaker men. I am tough. I developed skills, practiced talking smoothly with women. I even optimized my dance moves at home when I am alone so I can rock in the club. Basically, my entire life is one elaborate ruse, just for one purpose: Fucking high quality women!

And you, you fap to ponies and fantasize about anal. You are not a psychopath, kiddo! You are not even a beginner!