/r/TwoXChromosomes suddenly supports corporal punishment when it happens to an accused rapist

49  2019-10-23 by UnalignedRando


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I will never be with a female who defecates. The whole reason my last girlfriend and I split was because I found out she did, in fact, poop.


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Tulsi doesnt excrete solid waste from her butthole like the rest of these Karens

Nah, she saves her shit for Twitter. Like the gila monster of politics.


I do not support corporal punishment. But this happened in Singapore. You get caned for littering there. So I actually would think it was unfair if a literal rapist would not get caned over there.

I support corporal punishment, but not capital punishment.

Vote TGAB!!!

The way Singapore does it is just gross... like seriously after about three strokes they've completely broken the skin and chunks it may are just flying in the air.

It is worse considering some actual creeps might actually like this shit.

Based Lee Kuan Yew

You don’t get canes for littering retardo, it happens for being gay. Get your facts right



And pinkpilled

He's not an accused rapist anymore, he's convicted. I'd say 18 whacks of a cane is going too light.

Now let's have a discussion with the same users about whether american jails are too harsh, or too much like slavery...

Literally the only reason it got upvoted is that the word caning is hugely euphemistic for the actual procedure they use in Singapore. It's a backwards savage nation.

Yeah some people posted actual videos and pictures of the aftermath. The comments under those are less enthusiastic about maiming people.

My original thought was "caning? They used to punish kids with that"

Changed my tune after seeing the results.

The specially designed buttcheek clenching cushion was pretty funny though

Nah. All criminals deserve corporal and capital punishment, no matter the country

Unless they're blacks in america. In that case anything bad they do is the fault of white people, and the system is always too cruel against them.

How does it feel to be an idiot? You literally have no clue what your talking about. Caning is not a spanking barbarous animal.


Why is it ok to lock someone up for decades but spanking their bussy a couple of times is not ok?

Bussy is sacred.

Any good bussy can handle some kinky spanking

If that's your kink just go to Singapore and litter.


If you can't handle the bdsm, don't do the crime

I'm pretty sure BDSM is illegal in Singapore (they're crazy conservative, kind of some US states that legally tried to prevent homosexual acts between consenting adults). So I guess over there you might be sentenced to caning for enjoying caning too much. They just didn't expect to have to deal with degenerates of that magnitude.

This is what it looks like after a Singapore caning :


This was not 18 strokes. Basically they were performing a surgery and ripping chunks of meat out of him without anesthesia.

NSFW dang nabbit

not even Saudi Arabia allows for the skin to be broken usually.

How the fuck do they behead people without breaking the skin?

Very sharp blades?

I have no problem with rapists getting caned.

That makes you similar to an average TwoX poster.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

You should ask what the guys GPA is. In Singapore with a good GOA you get off scott free