[Troons Mad x29]

189  2019-10-24 by Sea_Safer


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Do you know Stonetoss is a Nazi?

God I wish.

Wow. Just wow.

Thanks for telling me! Suddenly his jokes that were funny are now not funny!

No, what happens if they are a Nazi?

If that’s true then why are so many of ((())) still around?

Do I ever! 😍😍😍

the AHSpie cries out in pain as he reports you

Stonetoss? That’s going to get get you some serious yikes from me! Like a one way oof to yikestown comrade!



snap Yep this post is going in my cancelled nazis compilation

So basically i had a boner and had to hide it and i put the dick like up towards my stomach i was wearing a hoodie and a tshirt and if someone lifted it they would see it . I got this feeling that some shit would happen so i put my dick back down and like 20 seconds later a guy pulled up my shirt and hoodie as a joke and yeah my dick wasnt there


  1. [Troons Mad x29] - archive.org, archive.today

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Chicks can have dicks now, it’s 2019 get over it bigot!

Since when do conservatives have a problem with drag queens?

Steven Crowder is a drag queen too

Since genderfreaks started targeting children, my guess.

The genderfreaks trying to catfish them into the sack probably didn't help either tbh

Stop worrying so much, most of us genderfreaks are "lesbians" anyway.

Awww, pol, did you finally troon out?


Slow with the news, slow with everything, lmao


Yikes-a-doodle neighbour did you know that stonetoss is a NAZI? That's a yikes, I mean I just !!!!!


I thought the Canadian PM made blackface cool again

It got him reelected, didn't it?

It's been interesting how Stonetoss has been getting progressively more simplistic and predictable, to the point where it's now just:

Off-screen character: Don't do the thing.

pan over to lefty doing the thing

it's the based formula

The other based formula:

Person 1: Question

Person 2: Answer

Person 1:Controversial question

Person 2: (sweats)

Ngl I love that one because it's so exploitable more than it actually being good.

wtf I'm not redpilled anymore

Simple works.

There's nothing wrong with simplicity, just be careful it doesn't evolve into autism. 'ol Tossy judging from my interactions with him probably isn't but I'm not sure about his fans.

Leftoid Memes ----------- Rightoid Memes




H moment


wow. press F in the chat to pay respect for stone toss not being able to dress up as a black guy for halloween. something i'm sure he has always yearned to do.

another casualty of the culture war.

bruh moment

bruh πŸ˜œπŸ™ŒπŸ˜€πŸ˜‚πŸ’ͺ

Heck yeah gurl πŸ΄πŸ‡¬πŸ‡΅πŸ©

I dressed up as OJ when I was a kid before the whole murder thing. I did it years later after he murdered those two people because it was funny. You could really never get away with the shoe polish, lipstick and black hair net now tho, truly a shame.

40 years old and posting in drama subs nothing wrong there

I’m actually older than that. I was real good friends with Hitler before he sold out.

chapo check

Faggot check:

yup, you’re a huge fag.


The duality of cope.