17  2019-10-24 by AltOverNow


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ok so female-to-male transmission is more difficult than male-to-female, which brings up the question of how women are getting STIs in the first place if they're so hard for men to get. bc if the men aren't getting STIs, they can't pass them on to women

clearly this means a wider population of women is preferentially fucking a smaller population of men who already have the disease, and that's just absolutely based on mother nature's part here

male dog to white female

male dog -> white female -> black male -> black female -> black male -> white male -> asian female -> asian male

Chad is infected - and that’s a good thing

Not racist, but isn't it possible that this is exactly what the filthy grasping Jews want us to think?


  1. BASED-TDs -,

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Technically she’s right


Biologically sexist, lmao.

Not to mention how homophobic they are. There can be any other reason why mixing blood, fecal matter and semen would be more likely to result in disease.


CIA or Yahweh?