Steve Harvey: "We asked 100 people, what is the male reproductive organ?" Contestant: "The penis" SH: "A WUH... HUH??" audience erupts into laughter Steve Harvey grabs onto podium to support himself laughter gets even louder SH: O lordy... one man goes into cardiac arrest and many others begin vomiting profusely from laughing too hard SH: YOU PEOPLE NEED HELP the Earth shatters and Satan rises from the underworld to claim unworthy souls the universe begins rapidly closing in on itself SH: (putting on a weary voice) Survey says... the board shows 100 for "penis" Harvey is able to get off one more shocked look before existence as we know it comes to an end
1 AutoModerator 2019-10-25
Horny? Chat live with hot autists in your area today with DeuxCHAT
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5 DXMKangz 2019-10-25
who wouldn't want to play somebody else's save game with 3 kids already?
3 OxidizeAtlantic 2019-10-25
By Allah, smite him
2 SuperElf 2019-10-25
suicide bomb him and get your 72 (male) virgins bro
1 MastrTMF 2019-10-25
Menslib? They can't have any of their own.
1 VanillaReign 2019-10-25
Unless you're a male feminist into diddling kids, there's literally no reason to date a single mom. CMV.
1 nowthatswhat 2019-10-25
What if you lost your balls in a horrible fetish related accident?
1 NiggaWhom 2019-10-25
Trappy sam first in line
4 endestir 2019-10-25
Why’d u block out the contact info bitch now I can’t find her
2 Redactor0 2019-10-25
The infinitely high girlfriend factor strikes again. 😔
1 SnapshillBot 2019-10-25
Steve Harvey: "We asked 100 people, what is the male reproductive organ?" Contestant: "The penis" SH: "A WUH... HUH??" audience erupts into laughter Steve Harvey grabs onto podium to support himself laughter gets even louder SH: O lordy... one man goes into cardiac arrest and many others begin vomiting profusely from laughing too hard SH: YOU PEOPLE NEED HELP the Earth shatters and Satan rises from the underworld to claim unworthy souls the universe begins rapidly closing in on itself SH: (putting on a weary voice) Survey says... the board shows 100 for "penis" Harvey is able to get off one more shocked look before existence as we know it comes to an end
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 T-800_101 2019-10-25
wanna hear a joke?