Ye dropped his album. 15yo atheists are shocked to discover that "Jesus is King" is about Jesus. Entire subreddit is filled with circlejerking kaffirs upset that Ye shoved religion so far down their throat that it bruised their esophagus.

117  2019-10-25 by queerjihad


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I think kafir is the Muslim word for heretics and kaffir is the South African racial slur

Was gonna say I haven’t seen that word since watching Apartheid movies

kuffar is also valid

which one is the yogurt drink stuff? my russian ex-wife always bought it.

that's kefir

there's like 4 places in my city alone that brew that kombucha shit, does that actually or do anything.

I think it’s helpful if you legit have digestive issues but outside that idk

It has a bit of a laxative effect. It cleans your gut.

He meant kaffirs

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  1. Ye dropped his album. 15yo atheists... -,

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This is the best part


He put those atheists in a sarcophagus

new koonye west is trash

Kanye West joins (Christian band) The Newsboys - one of my favorite Babylon Bee articles.

The album is okay.

Have these mongs ever considered, dunno, not giving a fuck about Kanye?

The album is okay.

That 40-min experimental IMAX film was better than the album, though.

There are some songs on it I really like. And then there's some that are just plain weird, like "You my chick fil a, you my number 1 with the lemonade"

That lyric slays because chick fil a is great and always get their lemonade. The

Lol who actually still listens to Kanye? He is completely insane and hasn't made anything decent in quite a while

cope harder faithlet

STFU I'm literally shaking

Kanye isn't a race baiting piece of trash and realizes slavery ended two hundred years ago.

He's cancelled guys

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Work on your formatting, bro

Not sure what point you're getting at

jesus christ is my ni**a

Christ deniers btfo. This record is great

Sad that people can't appreciate music. The Album is great, I WISH I felt the way Ye does about religion

It’s not that people are shocked or upset. It’s just people giving their opinion. That’s it. Nothing is immune to criticism, not even religion

Jesus is King you filthy sinner

You can criticize religion but you shouldn’t criticize that our lord and savior is Jesus Christ.

This but unironically.

(((Jesus Christ))) thx

Well he was Jewish until he converted

It’s like being an alcoholic or a weeb

You can’t give it up that easily

Those are two things Jews are definitely not known for

Christ’s death for our sins literally purged the merchant ness from Him.

yall atheist fucks going to hell for talking smack about this god guy


It's a comment about how non-believers are going to hell for shunning Jesus. Exactly the kind of comment white Southerners and black Christians, the people who have a right to use y'all, would actually make. Y'all only sounds retarded when white libs use it for progressive long-posts that no one reads or cares about.


I will not stand for fentanyl-American cultural appropriation.

fentanYl American cuLturaL

What about when Busta Rhymes uses it? Does he get a Yall Card?

One time I was at an edm club and they brought busta rhymes on stage randomly in the middle of the set and he had them turn on the lights and started talking about random bullshit for about 15 minutes

I was rolling face and have fucking hated him ever since

Totally irrelevant but fuck that asshole

Based and Amir-pilled

bless you, coy jew

Just like he's allowed to give his opinion on Jesus. Or mine that you're a bugman with taste so bad I can't even make a mean joke for liking Kayne.

Zeus doesnt fucking care if you "criticize" him, faggot.

Uh what

He would literally smite you with lightning then turn into a goose and fuck your wife

Yeah, but entirely irrespective of your gay criticism

Jesus is King and Kanye is coon, repent sinner