Science with the hard take on foid humor vs moid humor. Expect future deletions

7  2019-10-26 by jewdanksdad


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i am a survivor of reading this gussy nonsense


  1. Science with the hard take on foid ... -,

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I'll say it again. Somebody put the removeddit link on snappy please.

Foid cope. Also social sciences are bullshit all around.

Anything that uses anecdotes is useless

Except evolutionary psychology. It's based af.

Social science: "Actually, there are a hundred genders. Look, this woman likes to drink beer, she is a demi gurl boi lite."

Foids: "Yeah, why not."

Social science: "We made a study with 260 random citizens on their ability to produce humor. Men scored significantly higher. We also asked how important humor is for attracting a partner. Women value humor is a man way higher than the other way around. We think men adapted to this evolutionary pressure by being more humorous."

Foid: "Actually, social science does not produce hard facts and it is all open to interpretation."

Comment removed by moderator, what is the point of Reddit these days?
