rApE iS aBoUt PoWeR nOt SeX

29  2019-10-27 by thowaway_throwaway


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Snappy is fucking sentient I swear.

it is about power tho

Nah, if you castrate reoffending rates go from a coin flip to 0.

Damn, cut off a mans balls and he seeks after power no more. I wonder what’s in those testes...

It's as much about gratification as anything else.

Power is gratifying

If I rape a woman it’s because she’s hot and I think she’d do a good job pleasing me

Complex social interactions must only have one cause. Humans are one dimensional and only have the same singular reason for each action.

It's often about power but that's way too simplistic to encompass all cases. Sometimes it's about power, sometimes it's about sex, sometimes it's about both or neither or some other combination of factors.

OP there’s only one cure for what you are. It’s not something the mods would let me tell you, let alone the admins. But I got you fam bruh:

that crushing loneliness you feel? Only death can cure it. Post bussy and off yourself you incel fuck

One Piece sucks.

It totally disrespects its viewers. A big but loosely coupled world (like the Doctor Who universe or One Piece world) is actually not that great an achievement. As long as there's some basic attempts at referencing other bits of the world, and some basic attempts are made to follow the existing canon it's just a bunch of loose references that trick the viewers into thinking it's all well-thought-out. A world that is too big to really interact with the story isn't really interacting with the story (except in extremely contrived ways), it just fools the readers into thinking that.

Also, a bunch of tear-jerkers as backstory isn't good character writing. It's lazy character writing that assumes the readers are dumb enough to buy it. Most Marvel films don't stoop that low.

Is this little essay your attempt at a gotten?

Fwiw, i fully agree. The world building is hot inconsistent garbage. Also, the “sad” backstories are just hilariously over the top at this point. It’s in its death spiral, I just want to know how it ends up cancelled

Well I saw you commented on it and just assumed that it was the best thing you had going for you.

Nah but I can see why you would think that

What sub-category of cel are you OP?

May Allah forgive us, he is a bogancel. /u/captainpriapism returned to us less based

The lowest of all them all: a deuxcel.