Meatheads debate whether capped shoulders on a foidlet are natural

6  2019-10-27 by LeEpicMemerDude69420


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if you're into girls that look like this, just fuck guys.

Meh go to a gym no need to make fun of gym bros fatass.

gym bros are tedious and irritating. Not that going to the gym is a bad thing

Well Then you Should try it instead of sitting talking shit about people you probably know nothing about.

I already lift, and yes there is. This subreddit is for making fun of everyone.

if she was on a bike her biceps would be blown up too

Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


  1. Meatheads debate whether capped sho... -,

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I’m 18 and I have lifted at a world level you don’t know anything about me I’m probably stronger than you and know more about lifting so don’t assume

randomotaku16 is dying on the hill that she's natty.

Dude looks hot 100% would slam the bussy

Posting shit from NOJ is like posting chapocel-shit. It's like cheating.


She's probably natty. I'm guessing she was a stout foidlet who lost weight and is now exposing existing muscle. It's much easier to build muscle if you're willing to get fat and then diet down than it is to do "lean gains".