The woman is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a whore, slut, cunt, prostitute, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat.

22  2019-10-29 by jewdanksdad


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  1. The woman is immunized against all ... -,

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But call her a cissy and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I've been found out.”

Even CG accepts the fact that even in intellectual spaces women cannot compete against man and companies are better off hiring tims for woke points, men really do make the best women.

I envision that tims will help us advance toward Western Sharia (no beards, no akbars). Once that is achieved, we can deport all the tims to Iran.

I saw a thread on there where they had a collective sexual fantasy/freakout over the future where plastic surgery would be absolutely perfect, meaning transwomen would be not only indistinguishable from real women, but they would all be 10/10 supermodels because of it. At this point, the .3% of trannies would completely take all of the jobs for 51% of the women, marry most of the the 49% of men, and then the 51% of women wouldn't be able to get any jobs and would be impovrished. They would have to go marry men to survive financially because they couldn't get jobs or compete with transwomen supermodels, meaning the men could beat and rape them and treat them as slaves.

This really got dozens and not hundreds of upvotes, and I don't care enough go spend 20 minutes to try and look it up again, it was on /r/drama. There is no sexual experience more intense than imaginary victimhood for a sheltered privilege white women, CMV.

That sounds fucking BASED

as much as I can see human society splitting into three groups based on technology- terrans/cyborgs/cosmists- I can see it splitting into three groups based on gender- all-female, mixed, all-male. Generally I think not splitting should be the goal, because that's the most complicated and difficult choice and life only has meaning when there's a challenge.

Wtf is this StarCraft fanfiction bullshit

Women's ideas can be their children as much as a child is.

And this one should have been aborted.

My wife thinks she invented the word "slunt" and I let her believe it.

Wtf I love trannies now