Panic at 'Joker' screening after man shouts 'Allah Hu Akbar' in Paris cinema.People then got up in a panic and ran to the exits but the doors were blocked!

22  2019-10-30 by UUUU__UUUU


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  1. Panic at 'Joker' screening after ma... -,

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People forgot the true incels. Religious folks.

Obviously, the emergency doors were open. And there were only a few dozen spectators who panicked. Besides, the others stayed to see the film to the end

I bet only mayo foids were panicking

He yelled it's political 6 times and then used the terrorist phrase. I'd be running too. If I can run faster than the mayo foids then I have extra cushion between me and the pipe bomb.

^ mayo foid detected. Real men would yell at him to fuck off to syria.

It's fucking France, they have as many terrorist attacks as america has school shootings

Yeah because they are pussies

Well yeah, obviously, but that doesn't detract from the fact that when you hear a muslim start a sentence with the letter "a" you run for your life

Lol you go ahead and do that. I'll out run the foids and live while you catch a handful of nails with your face.

Id rather die than be on the level of a mayo foid 🤢🤢🤢