Stop fetishizing asian women. This is what I got when I googled “asian women”.

29  2019-10-30 by HardIsLife


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They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. Stop fetishizing asian women. This ... -,

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Those are ads, chief. Not in my results.

Yeah, these ads should not be boosted up is my point.

Or maybe Google thinks someone is lonely :P

It's over for HardIsLifecels.

Umm sweaty, even though men are so toxic, I’m cursed with being into them 😓

Maybe it thinks you should join these sites to meet men?

These ads are boosted by your past behavior online. It appears someone else is attracted to jungle Asians.

I searched from my phone. I have never googled dating related sites at all but I’ve not been single since they became popular. I do google Asian women but to read the news.

Google doesn't care where you search from. Phone searches will result in ads on your work computer.

I do google Asian women but to read the news.

And I search for Linda park and Michelle yeoh for their Star Trek roles. If you really wanted news, you would search for the name of the web site like everyone else who is too lazy to type the full URL. Google knows it's time for you to branch out from dating moids. Just go with it.

No, it wouldn’t, dummy because I was not using work WiFi because of that exact reason.

It’s showing based on geolocation and demographic. That means people around have been searching these websites.

I got the same ads when I searched for Asian women. When I searched for why American men date ugly Asian women, I got an ad for dating Filipinos.

these ads should not be boosted up

They get boosted up because they are ads. That's how companies make money.

Your asian-fetishizing bf has been searching for a new bae.

Best reply so far 😆

Lol did you think google doesnt know about your sex vacation half a year ago?

looks like someone is gussy blasted that not even white men want her ahahahha

Just accept it


Hardislife is lawlz

But that’s just a theory

A game theory


You are literally objectifying women with your search terms. In your privileged display of the most toxic internalized misogyny, you are looking for race and sex and nothing else. Have you considered googling for something other than the most superficial? Searching for inner strength, a good personality, and brave activism?

No. Because you hate women. Do better, sweaty.

Lawlz wants a secret asian gf confirmed

I'll stop fetishizing Asian women when when they stop giving me gay thoughts about their smooth testicles and tight bussy.

Weird, I'm getting balls waxing results from Canada, instead.

Aren’t you an Asian woman?


No one cares or is here to give you attention