revolution but no more texts from Chad? πŸ‘€πŸ˜“πŸ’€πŸ‘» its over for Foidel Castros

30  2019-11-01 by AltOverNow


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Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand.


  1. revolution but no more texts from C... -,

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About time you had a post that wasn't just brainlessly spamming controcuck. Who did you steal this from?

He stole it from me

nigga what? your wife's son shared it

Oh sorry I thought it said obnoxious-ass AlertClothes. I'm pretty fucking hammered and have my phone on darkmode with minimal brightness in a dank dive bar. You good Alt. You good. Nice post. I should have known it wasn't him with the effort title. πŸ‘

bless πŸ™

lol this reminds me of this Indian chick who wrote an article about how her white boyfriend makes racist comments about her like he called her aloo prata or something like that. So, I asked her on Twitter why she is still with this racist guy if she’s so woke. She blocked me and later, tweeted about how people shouldn’t be against interracial relationships lol she spun it around and made herself a victim.


I wonder how low can you fall

No, I made an account just for that lol

why did you screenposted all this shit without linking the source or/and comments? are you expecting me to find it on my own? because I'm not going to

someone else did. just linking it

lmao online role playing as a commie to get back at chad and finally touch a boob is a new level of pthetic

Good thing we already know the answer is yes: