Childless manchild vs children's toys

54  2019-11-01 by 15778047


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You wish I would delete my one and only amazing Reddit account, lol. Go delete another one of yours troll, lol


  1. Childless manchild vs children's to... -,

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Imagine hating children so much you concoct fake stories about parents being entitled.

Imagine needing stories to hate children.

lol imagine being so delusional that you think stories about entitled parents must be fake

Imagine being so bitter you actively participate in a community dedicated to hating children.

lol don't be ridiculous. choosing not to have children does not always equate to hating all children everywhere. Overall, I actually don't have a problem with children, kids will be kids. Entitled parents on the other hand....

Not having kids isn't a personality

nothing ever happens


calm down bro

says this and posts on Childfree

Lol shut up faggot

Imagine using this website and going straight to a hugbox support group like r/childfree to get textually jerked off 😳

thats all of reddit

How did we get so far detached from our primary biological function and billions of years of evolution? Was there an equivalent of people like this in the middle ages? Or when we were hunter-gatherers?

Television gave single people a reason to stay home instead of going to bars. It started with your grandparents generation.

Wouldn't books have had the same effect? Hell even a gramophone would have.

No because books are boring and gramophones weren’t owned by single people.

We never valued our primary biological function. Evolution selected for valuess associated with high fertility. The second we developed technology that decoupled the satisfaction of those values from the achievement of our primary biological function, we stopped trying to achieve our primary biological function. This is a good thing, it means we're no longer slaves to nature.


I think these types threw themselves into the priesthood or nunnery and went into hand copying manuscripts for 16 hours a day, drawing crude pornographic images in the margins.

this is evolution. the biological imperative of the bug man is to die out


How did we get so far detached from our primary biological function and billions of years of evolution?


Holy shit pathetic

Imagine saying "barbie dolls and action figured make me" unironically

Hundreds of dollars of them.

I spite those people. "I have issues with myself; your offsprings are disgusting amoebas."

I'm a part of a group on fb and a mom posted a copy paste (that other parents are also probably using) asking the group members not to buy popular toys until after Christmas so that parents can get first dibs on buying them for their fucking kids. Its ridiculous.

the joy some kid gets opening something they wanted on christmas outweighs this neckbeards wants. this dude's just pissed he doesn't have a kid to get toys for.

Seriously. He needs to rewatch Toy Story 2. He’s the Chicken Man.

Not having kids= acting like kids it seems.

Bruh would literally Kms if dis was me

bruh 😂😡😤🤣🔥🔥

I wonder what their political views are. It'll be funny if they're left wing but also say "My money is just as green as theirs" as if human value is solely based on money.

I dislike kids as much as the next person but I can't imagine ever using the term "crotch goblins" unironically.

disliking kids behavior is like hating actual retards for being retarded, grow up stupid

Not hating people for inherent characteristics that they have little to no control over

Ok liberal /s

I appreciate your enthusiasm for sarcasm, but indicating it defeats its purpose.

You really are the worst bot.

As user Fuckgamblingfuckfuck once said:

Bad bot

I'm a human being too, And this action was performed manually. /s

being this angry over nothing

Okay manlet :)

I wasn't allowed to have anything with a face because its "offensive to god."

I'd tend to agree that anything with a face is offensive to god tbh

Anything with your face sure is


He buys hundreds of dollars worth of barbies...

I expect to see him immortalized on r/itsafetish

I also noticed a few people saying that a grown person collecting toy is "weird" or "pathetic" and all I have to say to them is you fuck right off with that entitled mother. Toy collecting is no different from baking or golfing. It's a hobby that anyone with the means and time can participate in.

Buying shit is not a hobby. A hobby is something that is a bit like work or study, but more fun. Reading, exercising, buildings stuff, not just buying more shit than you need, which is more like a personality disorder or outright addiction.

Consuming product is a hobby

dude's an autistic bug man

The irrational hatred these retards have for children is scary

Also lmao @ being the epitome of "I don't have children so I have more time for consuming product"