Refugee Italian meme rapper stirs the pot and makes music video bragging about living lavishly off of benefits, refusing to work, and defiling white women

17  2019-11-02 by DXMKangz


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Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.


  1. Refugee Italian meme rapper stirs t... -,

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Italian Rapper

ho ho Mama Mia

he is a citizen jajajaja

identitycels BTFO

Song is pretty funky. Much better than the mumble rap.

Dey jus need mo money for dem programz yt

lmao this nigga is a literal unironic nazi who thinks he's being white genocided. he's not a refugee, he came here as a child in 2004 from a peaceful african country and is now a citizen, he obviously doesn't get benefits because this is obviously satire. TFW you were supposed to get superior aryan genes but instead you got autism from your mother's defective womb and a fentanyl addiction

u mad bro