LifeProTips assumes daily showers. Reddit .... clearly has a lot of overlap with MagicTheGathering tournament attendees.

24  2019-11-02 by thowaway_throwaway


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I feel like I’m being gaslighted reading those responses.

It's bad for your skin to shower everyday. Shower every 2 to 3 days. And wash the important bits every day with a towel.

No, it isn’t. Who thinks this?

Disgusting, weird, Overly Online dorks that found a tribe, a place to "belong". Twenty years ago, most of them would be peer pressured into having basic hygiene and social skills. But in 2019, they all band together on reddit and convince themselves the rest of the world is wrong.

Some dermatologists tell you that you should not use aggressive bodywash and peeling everyday, but only like twice a week. By no means will a doctor ever tell you to only shower twice a week. This is what these neckbeards confuse.

Also, if a shower really was an unhealthy way to get rid of excess body salt and fat, how the fuck is rubbing your skin with a towel better? If anything, this is worse for your skin.

They’re right. Redditors don’t need to shower every day. Nobody needs to shower every day, hell every other day when all they do is stay in their room and seethe at women.

If you’re a normal person who exercises, then yes, at the minimum you should be washing dick, pits, face, ass every day then shampoo, conditioner and body wash every other day.

conditioner is fake news and a jewish conspiracy

Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


  1. LifeProTips assumes daily showers. ... -,

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How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?

Does the bots author get replies? If so, I guess we'll see who cracks first, dude bussy lmao

Good god, redditors are revolting. Then they justify it because they don’t do strenuous activity, so YOU JUST KNOW they don’t work out 🤢🤢🤢

Would you really want to inhale after a deep squat if they were doing the same on the next rack?

I like how they all add the caveat that you should obviously shower after working out, but they think that working out (or basically just moving) is so uncommon that’s it’s reasonable for the average adult to end up showering 3x a week.

Your supposed to wash your mouth, pits, crotch, and ass everyday.

Your hair and the rest of your body is fine maybe every other day, unless you workout so... Yeah we know the average redditorstm don't do much of that

u/JackRusselTerrorist We have to hurt our eyes looking at your disgusting obese body, the very least you could do is hit it with a hose and scrubber with some soap drizzled on top.

Don't worry, you're going to live through the experience. Winded but clean.

I feel the projection. Don’t worry, eventually you’ll find someone to love you.

Uh oh stinky 😩😳

Let me smell you 😍😍😍

Pit, crotch, or crack?


I take two showers a day you fat disgusting peasant fuck. I Got a $250 shower head that has rain mode and some shit on the wall that is better than a deep tissue your shit has been on the wall since three or four tenants in your shitty apartment lol

It took you 6 days to come up with that?

Holy fuck you’re pathetic.

No see I do other things with my life than sit on reddit all day lol holy fuck you poors are stupid. Fucking aced yourself

Cycling through alts, eh?

Must be hard keeping track of all of them.

Stop coping in my inbox disgusting poor.

The projection is so fucking strong with you. It’s pathetic. Seek help. You can be happy without trolling behind a make belief character.

k bud keep resisting and please, please take a shower. I hate holding my breath when you are loading my groceries.

Still going with the pretend rich boy routine, thinking that having someone load your groceries is something special, lol.

At least play your character well you chud. We’re done.

You would have more time to shower if you were less online, chonk.

you chud


Show us your neo vagina faggot