My daily affirmation

14  2019-11-04 by hamsters-

Boy = Bad. Girl = Good

95% of behavioral prblems can be solved with SoyGel EstroMAX Formula 77

Family doctor says “don’t worry about it” when you ask about your testosterone = Good.

Feelings hurt? Sad time? Use SSRIs to re-wire brain. =Good

If you cannot access a pharma-approved healthcare provider, self-medicate with alcohol and/or marijuana =Good.

“I mean i took adderall when i was a senior in highschool for like 6 months and i lost like 50 pounds and it loke fried my brain a little and they give it to like 8 year oldds its kinda **ed up” =Good.

Teachers = Good Protectors = Wise Brilliant Geniuses = Guardians Of The Future = Amazing People = Not rent-seeking Warm-Body Mafia Union Whores who Need Rope. Don’t Kill Teachers or Doctors =Good.

Telling Female Home-Ec Teacher You Don’t Feel Comfortable Wearing Pink Apron Then She Asks You In Front of Whole Class If You Have “Inadequacy Issues” =Good.

Feeling Mad/Bad/Sad = Watch Sissy Hypno Training Videos to Feel Better = Become Clitty Man = Get an Open Relationship = Smoke Weed.

Boys Playing With Action Figures = Bad = Toxic Masculinity

Boy Playing With Toy Guns = Jailtime = CPS Visit

Men Becoming Feminine, Women Becoming Masculine = BPA in water supply = Good.

Morality = Outdated = Bad Hedonism = Dopamine Rush = Endorphins = Happy = Good Good. Casual Sex. take Pills

Anger = Toxic Masculinity = Bad

Outrage = Toxic Masculinity = Bad

Disgust = Toxic Masculinity = Bad

Smoke $400 worth of weed every month just to feel normal =Good.

Sex Positive Feminism =Good.


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You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. My daily affirmation -,

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umm, yikes

they give it to like 8 year oldds

amphetamines literally have a calming effect on those with ADHD, u are unironically an ignorant retard

yikes sweaty let’s unpack this who hurt you?

im happier than you but go off hun

Smh my society

Ok, boomer