His Dark Materials spoiler

2  2019-11-05 by HodorTheDoorHolder_

Lyra’s mom is Mrs Coulter and her dad is Lord Asriel.


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Y'all can't behave.


  1. His Dark Materials spoiler - archive.org, archive.today

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Lol, imagine not knowing this basic point.

I’ve never read the books because I’m not a neckbeard atheist but I did look up some spoilers.

Hi not a neckbeard atheist but i did look up some spoilers., I'm dad.

Good bot

I don’t get this bot

What are some other juicy spoilers? Any red wedding moments?

In this book series? Lol no


There's the part where they >!kill God!< oh and the kid Roger >!gets murdered by Asriel to tear open a window to another world!<

How do you kill an omnipotent being?

In this world >!it turns out "God" was just an imposter the whole time; the first angel pretending to be the creator of the universe!<

In this world it turns out "God" was just an imposter the whole time; the first angel pretending to be the creator of the universe

So who was the creator of the universe?

Nobody knows for sure, just like us. I'd say probably just the big bang theory applies seeing as one of the worlds in the series is our own and we have good evidence for that.

Big Bang theory is a tv show