How many internet warrior zoomer catchphrases can you find in this post?

11  2019-11-06 by -DeadHead-


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I believe women are evil and that the gender of the devil is female. Products of the female psyche including liberalism, political correctness, multiculturalism, promotion of the metrosexual (woman with a penis), yoga and Marxism are all evil. Humanity will become redeemed when women become human beings. Right now they are mercenaries and blame everything on men. Pure evil.


  1. How many internet warrior zoomer ca... -,

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Don't get it wrong, the linked post isn't satire. As a millenial, the amount of useless angry zoomer catchphrases in this post is embarrassing. I simply cannot imagine someone writing this way inadvertently. Nobody, literally nobody, asks for this. I can't even imagine how much someone speaking like this to people irl would get rejected.

Thanks, but no thanks, your arguments are invalid when you put all these annoying words all over the place. It's that simple. You guy should reevaluate how you express your opinion.

Yeeting this to best sub dooxrama. Well done Zoomer™️.

Yeet yourself boomer

OP has outed himself as a geriatric sodomite.

Not really, but how would it be wrong?

Salve dux!

"hot garbage" is a useless catchphrase

Ye, that's my point.