Australia's national broadcaster puts out a call for violence against the moid menace

12  2019-11-06 by thowaway_throwaway


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I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. Australia's national broadcaster pu... -,

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it's time we ended women's suffrage, as well as their right to work

the white man's greatest weakness is his generosity

what have we done?

The white man is his woman's dog. - Metacomet


I plan to dominate all men.

the political violence argument wouldn't be particularly bad were these not upper middle class or rich white western women with the easiest lives out of anybody. not to mention these are the first people to start making reports, break out into tears and start crying if you say something they don't like, yet want to pretend they could line people up against a wall and shoot them like some chapo faggot who is literally shaking over pronouns over the internet. also that one thing on the right looks like the geico caveman except it was born that way, absolute trogdolytes

I loved the blaming of upper-middle class white women who voted for Trump as if upper-middle class white women have ever had it better than with Trump.

I'm ready to bust

These feminists always act like we can somehow just make rape and violence against women get to literally 0 if we just stopped being misogynist patriarchs or some shit. Guess what retard there will always be rape, but it is declining and has been a long time, and women are way less likely to be victims of all kinds of violent crime than men are. So you can stop dying your hair red, feminism is already completed

Rape fantasy fan fiction is really getting out of hand