
48  2019-11-07 by AI_WAIFU


Horny? Chat live with hot autists in your area today with DeuxCHAT

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Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to r/Drama tomorrow.


  1. me_irl -,

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What’s with the collection on the wall? Is that what her twitch jannies sent her to wear or some shit 🤔

Nah those are the ones for sale on patreon

Uh, that's a dude.

It’s 2019, careful with terms like that 😤

Where's the dick?

Lol, someone doesnt know the joys of tucking

Is that not painted on? I thought the person was completely naked and just had painted panties.

Oh they looked like regular underwear to me. I was just figuring because absence of actual boobs. Maybe we just need an autist to come in here and give the rundown

how did u find this video of me


Kill me. I’d rather be dead.

Kinda twisted


Sorry, man. This isn't halal. Delete it.

Too much red paint around the lips frightens children. She's not going to get much party work.