We've got a textbook race war in r/pics

15  2019-11-07 by cragfar


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Not racist, but isn't it possible that this is exactly what the filthy grasping Jews want us to think?


  1. We've got a textbook race war in r/... - archive.org, archive.today

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I'm banned for some reason 😂

when you fantasize about being a chiseled aryan warrior saving the white race by jumping out of a plane into anti aircraft fire onto the islands of greece and defeating the judeo bolsheviks valiantly in war, but you have le mental breakdown at the sight of people who don't look like you

you're coping so hard it's actually hilarious. you will NEVER have your post-racial utopia. people will NEVER see past race. cope.

the existential crisis of knowing you will never get to reign over subhumans in bohemia and murder them for fun whenever you want. and instead have to post comments on the internet fantasizing about it

I don't fashion myself some sort of race warrior. I'm just realistic that all people have different preferences and prejudices and that's not something you can beat out of the human race through corporations, government brainwashing and a campaign of self loathing for white dipshits.

Two kids of two different races from the same parent looks bad. It makes people take notice. It's an obvious mark of shame. The obvious implication is that someone cheated or sleeps around like crazy with dramatically different looking people. It's embarrassing. There's no way to normalize it with propaganda posts on Reddit -- people will always notice that it looks bad and trashy. You can't just say "uhm it's 2019" and expect the other 7 billion humans on planet earth to have equally cucked their brain with John Oliver liberalism.

So why don't you just stop being so fragile Dylan?

yeah I'm the fragile one

Insane skills for that age

Insane skills for that age

Fucking redditor jerking 🤢🤢

Real 👏 families 👏 have 👏 kids👏 of 👏 multiple 👏 races 👏 from 👏 multiple 👏 affairs 👏