
20  2019-11-07 by HardIsLife


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My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


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On point snappy

Hating hoes and wanting to fuck them aren’t mutually exclusive

I think anyone, who does SQL, is an incel πŸ’…πŸ»

Wait, so foids aren’t impressed by my perfectly optimised queries with hash matching and optimal table joining order?

Is anyone?

SQL ERROR: Foids attracted you not found.

Some are, but it's only boomer foids as no one else remembers SQL. You need to start doing object stores and blockchain DApps to get the younger gussy.

No, foids use mongoDB.

It’s over for relational database cels like me 😭

optimal table joining order?

What's that? Are you a mysqlcel or something? SQL is supposed to be a relational calculus and so order-independent.

Definitely a server-side thing. Generally it’s best practice (to optimise speed) to join tables with the one that will produce the least amount of results after filtering. It SHOULD do this automatically but you can force the joining order if it’s getting it wrong.

No but troids are πŸ₯°πŸ˜

We only feel this way if it’s unobtainable our we just nutted.

Post nut clarity is a curse.

ok coomer

I hate hoes and simps. 😏

Pimps: sexualize hoes and get paid

Everyone sexualizes people they are attracted to.

Women: complain about sexualisation

Women: brag about sexualisation

Dog brains. Also men make the most money off of sexualisation

And thats a good thing.

/u/HardIslLife, how much do you charge for cock and ball torture?

I don't want you to receive money.

I want you to receive my dick.