
64  2019-11-07 by HardIsLife


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my cock is so fucking big that it weighs me down, i have scoliosis because of my extemely large penis. my cock is so unbelievably huge that if gravity stopped working i’d still be on the ground


  1. Generations -,

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You are pretty stupid for a Russian

Why do use the same background each time?

Laziness duh

You’re such a millennial

You guys don’t deserve the same level of effort I put into /r/owmybenis like this

Fred is the most beautiful zoomer. He can be president after I am impeached

Whats more tiring, the same talking points or the people smugging about it by listing the catchphrases as a talking point?

idk humanitys doomed

Ok doomer

fell into my own trap yeowch

Wow, you’re also mean on cake day 🙄

my main got suspended today too :(

This is your alt?? 😱 what was your main?

an account I barely logged in with and found out was banned? (Why?)

maybe its cuz my baconreader and the reddit app with different accs??

In the future all conversation will be conversation about the type of conversations people are having

How about Gen X or are they just slightly less wrinkly boomers?

I hump Gen X hard.

Is this the Idris Elba thing? I get it, the cross-race effect makes it hard to spot lemons.

Well, I like older guys but not too old that they start sundowning. So, gen x.

Idris Elba is a run down gen X'er. Gen X was a hard life.

I literally thought actual Bond movies had already been made with Idris Elba for some reason

Gen X voted Reagan harder than boomers they're gay af

are you just really excited to show off that you know how to use the gradient tool in photoshop or something

It’s just an image I founded via google. You’re giving me too much credit.

true, i should really stop doing that for foids

Praise me on this one. I put effort into this

deciphering that would require me to become both a weeb and a deuxchat-cel but the sign is a nice touch

Nah that's a rare non-weeb one; I think I even saw half of it.

new generation bad

The only time I ever see millennials unable to afford a good standard of living is strangers on social media and in pretentious thinkpieces, likely written by millennials with useless degrees and feeling shafted that their Star Wars MBA somehow didn’t translate to a 3/2 with a white picket fence and a flock of children.

i should SHIT on this post, just like my beautiful asian waifu i got from korea

Imagine belonging to a generation lmao

Implying Generation Zyklon doesn't have the same talking points as the lowest boomer talking point.

With each generation we add a new level of irony to our racism. Boomers are racists that pretend they're not racist, millennial are not racist but they pretend to be racist ironically, zoomers are racist but they pretend to be non racists ironically pretending to be racists.

Gen X:

-- I'm not a fucking Boomer.

-- I'm not a fucking Millennial

-- Zoomer, do your homework before your Dad gets home, or else.

Unironic cancelling is more of a millennial thing imo. I think zoomers hate that shit and only say someone is cancelled in an ironic joking manner.

Ok boomer