BASED universities encourage dumbass zoomers who did poorly on the SAT to apply so they can reject them and look more selective

1  2019-11-07 by tejanx


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I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of autists on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/DeuxRAMA are the 1%.


  1. BASED universities encourage dumbas... -,

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All the ways people can be horrible is beyond belief. That's why I prefer dogs and cats.

Thats how you look, claire

Pets will never leave you because you can chain them up in the basement lets see you do that with the childrens and get away with it.

You can even force them to have sex and sell the offspring and run it as a business.

Also, you know for certain that it a cat was big enough they would be batting you across the road just to chase you down and sit on you for a while only to keep on doing it until you give in and stop moving at which point it then eats you.

lets see you do that with the childrens and get away with it.

I'll have you know that I've been getting away with that for years.

Pets will never leave you because you can chain them up in the basement lets see you do that with the childrens and get away with it.

Wait, you aren’t allowed to chain children up in a basement? What are you supposed to do with the little bastards then?

IRL trolling. That's some good shit there.

Wait, how did he shoehorn poor people in there?

Poor people are fucking retarded

it's not my fault i'm poor, it's the economies fault and rebublicans

When will the identity politics treadmill reach its logical conclusion and see social issues not in terms of race or class, but in terms of intelligence? Imagine:

Jesus Christ this is dark: colleges buy low-scoring SAT names from the College Board, and then encourage students to apply knowing they will reject them to boost their selectivity rating. One of a million kinds of perfectly legal ways stupid people are fucked over every day.

you have to pay to apply to schools

Really? Lmao burgers

just don't be retarded lmao